LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. §§ap. iqnjrigljt If a. Shelf ...3.!^/^>/ . : 'Wh UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Great Truths Simply Told FOR Young Learners in Christian Teachings AND Young Readers of Bible Words rr* M ( PHILADELPHIA, PA. Geo. S. Harris & Sons i 89 i *\?y#* Copyright, 1891, by Geo. L. Weed. All rights reserved. PREFACE. The aim of this manual is to present primary Christian teachings in the simplest form of thought, development, and expression. If the table of contents appears at all inconsistent with such simplicity, be it remembered that truth is truth, whether the seed be developed — according to the Divine order indicated by the Great Teacher — into " the blade," " the ear," or the " full corn." Nathaniel Hawthorne finely says, " Children possess an unestimated sensibility to whatever is deep and high, in imagination or feeling, so long as it is simple likewise." The manual consists of five parts. Each consecutive division contains, in fact though not in form, a review of what has been already taught ; that the pupil may have " line " and " precept," both " here " and " there." Part I. consists of Topical Lessons, pertaining to God? and our relations and duties to Him, and to one another. In Part II. the aim is to group such incidents in the life of Jesus Christ, and such of His teachings adapted to the young, as will give some connected idea of His person and work, and not merely the story of His life. The Lessons in these two parts are followed by ques- tions, which it is believed, from the use already made of them, thoroughly test the pupil's apprehension of the truth explained. Part III. is composed entirely of Bible Words — the simplest of Scripture language, arranged to accompany IV PREFACE. the Topical Lessons of Part I. This selection is intended to be an introduction for the young reader, to the Bible itself, which contains much simple language, but in such connections as to be of little use to him without aid. Part IV. contains forms of service — prayers and respon- sive exercises. Part V. is a Catechism on the Lord's Prayer, to aid the young who pray " after this manner," in comprehending in some measure its fullness of meaning. The wmole manual has been tested in a school for which it was originally designed, with such results as warrant the hope that it may prove of interest and profit to other young learners in Christian Teachings and young readers of Bible Words. Philadelphia, October, 1891. GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Part I. Topical. Lessons in Christian Teachings. II. God the Son on the Earth. III. Bible \Vords, to accompany Topical Les- sons. IV. Forms of Worship. V. Catechism on the Lord's Prayer. CONTENTS. TOPICS. Body, Spirit, Body and Spirit, Spirit without Body : God, . . . God Lives Always, is Everywhere All-Seeing, All-Wise, . Almighty, ....'.. Holy,. " Love, All-good, Never Changes, the Creator, Keeper, Ruler, Review : Truths about God, . . . Duties to God : Honor and Love, . Thanksgiving . . Obedience, . Prayer, Worship, .... Trust, Duties to others, God's Great Law of Love, .... Sin, Three Kinds, Repentance, The Holy Bible, Words of God about Himself, . . Three Ways of Thinking about God, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 37 38 40 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 (yo 66 67 6S 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 98 100 100 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 111 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 30 I 41 CONTEXT" TOPICS. God the Sox ox the Earth. Jesus, the Holy Child, . . and the Shepherds, AVise Men, . Cruel King, in the Temple, . . Tempted, .... the Great Teacher, . the Love of, ... the Power of, . . . The Last Days of Jesus ox the Earth. The Last Supper, Gethsemane . The Lnjust Trial, The Cruel Death Jesus in the Tomb. Lives Again, Mary at the Tomb, The Eisen Jesus and His Disciples, on the Seashore, . ascends to Heaven, 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 i Jesus the Good Shepherd, . . The Twenty-third Psalm, . . Jesus like a Lamb, .... Christ, the Lamb of God, Christ, the Saviour, . . Bible Words for the Young, . 50 Topical Lessons. Bible Words. Lesson. Page. Lesson. Page. 31 45 32 46 33 47 34 4S 35 49 36 50 37 51 81 123 38 53 82 125 39 ^0 83 126 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 71 73 74 /O 51 i 79 52 82 53 85 84 85 86 87 88 129 131 132 134 135 Vlll CONTENTS. Forms of Worship. Page. Prayers of David, 141 Prayer— Sabbath, 142 Monday, 144 Tuesday, 146 Wednesday, 147 Thursday, 148 Friday, 150 Saturday, 152 The Lord's Prayer, 154 Daily Thoughts, . 155 Responsive Service : iidoration and Praise, . . . 150 Petitions, 158 Gloria Patri, "... 160 Benediction, 160 Catechism on the Lord's Prayer, .... 161-171 PART FIRST. Topical Lessons in Christian Teachings. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom. Col. 3 : 16. Lesson 1. BODY. A bird flies. It has a body. I can see its body. A boy walks. He has a body. I can see his body. QUESTIONS. 1. What does a bird do ? 2. What does it have ? 3. Can you see a bird's body ? 4. What does a boy do ? 5. What does he have ? 6. Can you see the boy's body ? 4 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 2. SPIRIT. A bird flies in the air. I cannot see the air. The bird sits on a tree. The wind blows the tree. I can see the bird and the tree. I cannot see the wind. A boy thinks about the bird. He knows it is on the tree. He wants to get it. He plans to get it. The boy thinks with his spirit. He knows wdth his spirit. He wants with his spirit. He plans with his spirit. His spirit is somewhat like the wind. I cannot see them. The wind cannot think, know, want, and plan, but a spirit can. TOPICAL LESSONS. O QUESTIONS. 1. Where does a bird fly ? 2. Can a boy see the air ? 3. On what does a bird sit? 4. What blows the tree ? 5. What can the boy see ? 6. What can he not see ? 7. With what does he think, and know, and want, and plan? 8. What is his spirit somewhat like ? 9. Can you see his spirit, or the wind ? 10. What cannot the wind do ? 11. What can the spirit do ? Xote.— Throughout this book the term spirit includes the iui- nnaterial, intelligent, immortal and moral nature. This use is uniform, to save confusion with other terms, and to have the language of the Topical Lessons correspond with that of the Bible Words selected to accompany them. Lesson 3. BODY AND SPIRIT. I have a body and a spirit. My spirit is in my body. I think with my spirit. GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. I act with my body. All men have bodies. I can see their bodies. All men have spirits. I cannot see their spirits. QUESTIONS. 1. Where is your spirit? 2. With what do you think ? 3. With what do you act ? 4. What part of a man can you see ? 5. What part can you not see ? Lesson 4. For Scripture Texts on the Subject of this Z,essoii, see Bible Words, Z,esson 54. SPIRIT, WITHOUT BODY: GOD. Some spirits have not a body. They can think, and know, and love. Many spirits are in heaven. TOPICAL LESSONS. One spirit is the best. He is the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit is named God. QUESTIONS. 1 . Do all spirits have bodies ? 2. What can a spirit do ? 3. Where are there many spirits ? 4. What is the Great Spirit named 1 Lesson 5. Bible Words, 55- GOD LIVES ALWAYS. God puts a spirit into a baby girl. She begins to live. He takes the spirit out of her body, and her body dies. Old men and old women die. God is older than an old man. God always lived. He will never die. God lives always. 5 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. Who puts a spirit into a baby girl ? 2. When God puts a spirit into a body, what happens ? 3. When God takes a spirit out of a body, what hap- pens? 4. Which is older, God or an old man ? 5. How long has God lived? 6. When will God die? 7. How long does God live ? Lesson 6, Bible Words, 5O. GOD IS EVERYWHERE. A bird has a nest in a tree. It flies far away in the air. The nest is the bird's home. A man has a house. He goes far from it, and comes to it. He eats, and sleeps, and lives in it. The house is the man's home. TOPJCAT, LESSONS. tf God is with the bird in the nest, and in the air. He is with the man at home, and away from home. He is with all animals, and all people. He is in the sun, the moon, and the stars. God's home is in heaven. God is every- where. l 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 QUESTIONS. What is a bird's home ? Does a bird stay in its nest all day ? Where does it fly away ? What is a man's home ? Does a man stay in his house all day ? Where is God with the bird ? Where is God with the man? With what and with whom is God? In wThat worlds is God ? Where is God's home ? Where is God? 10 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 7. Bible Words, 57. GOD IS ALL-SEEING. I can see many stars, but I cannot see them all. God can see all the stars, in the night and in the day. He sees all things in the sun, the moon, and the stars. He sees all things, animals, and people, in the world. I cannot hide from God. He sees me in the light, and in the dark. He sees my body, and my spirit. He sees all I think, and all I do. God is All-Seeing. QUESTIONS. 1. Can you see all the stars in the sky? 2. Can God see them all? When? 3. What can God see in the sky ? 4. What can He see in the world ? 5. When can God see you ? 6. What two parts of you can He see ? 7. Can God see your thoughts? 8. What do we say about God seeing ? TOPICAL LESSONS. 11 Lesson 8. Bible Words, 58. GOD IS ALL-WISE. A bird knows where to find its nest. It knows where to get food for its little birds. It does not know wTords. It cannot talk, nor read, nor write. A boy knows many things. He knows words, and can write them. He can read a book, and study a lesson. He can talk about many things. A boy knows more than a bird. A man knows very many things. He can read many words in a large book. He can learn a long, hard lesson. He can think and study much, and write a book. A man is wiser than a boy. God knows all things. He knows all the birds in the air. He knows all the animals in the fields and woods. 12 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. He knows all the fishes in the water. He knows all people, and their names. He knows all they think, and say, and do. He knows all the stars, and their names. God is wiser than a very wise man. God is All-wise. 1. What does a bird know ? 2. What does it not know ? 3. What cannot a bird do ? 4. What can a boy do, but a bird cannot do ? 5. Which knows more, a boy or a bird ? 6. Which knows more, a boy or a man ? 7. What things does God know ? 8. Tell some things God knows ? 9. What do we call God because He knows all things? Lesson 9. Bible Words, 59. GOD IS ALMIGHTY. A bird can carry a string in its mouth. A dog can carry a basket in his mouth. The dog is stronger than the bird. TOPICAL LESSONS. 13 A boy can carry a chair. The boy is stronger than the dog. A man can carry a table. The man is stronger than the boy. Many men can carry a large heavy box. God is stronger than all men. God is Almighty. QXJKSXIOISS. 1. Which is stronger, the bird or the dog ? 2. Which is stronger, the dog or the boy ? 3. Which is stronger, the boy or the man ? 4. Which is stronger, the man or many men ? 5. Which is stronger, many men or God? 6. What do we call God because He is stronger than all men ? Lesson lO. Bible Words, 6o. GOD IS HOLY. Men's thoughts are often wrong. God's thoughts are holy always. Men's wishes are often wrong. 14 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. God's wishes are holy always. Men's plans are often wrong. God's plans are holy always. Men often do wrong. God does right always. He never sinned. He never will sin. All He thinks, and wishes, and plans, and does, is right. God is Holy. QUESTIONS. 1. Whose thoughts, and wishes, and plans, are often wrong ? 2. Whose thoughts, and wishes, and plans, are holy always? 3. What do men often do ? 4. What does God always do ? 5. Has God ever sinned? 6. Will He ever sin ? 7. What do we call God because He never sins? TOPICAL LESSONS. 15 Lesson 11. Bible Words, 61. GOD IS LOVE. A little girl likes her doll. She loves her father. He loves her when he can see her, and when he cannot see her. God is her Father in heaven. He sees her always, and loves her always. God loves her more than her father loves her. God loves all, everywhere. When we are good, He loves us and is glad. When we are bad, He loves us and is sorry. God is Love. QUESTIONS. 1. When does a father love his little girl ? 2. Who is her Father in heaven ? 3. Who loves her more, her father at home, or her Father in heaven ? 4. When does God see her, and love her? 5. Whom does God love ? Where ? 16 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 6. Does God love us when we are good ? How does He feel when we are good? 7. Does God love us when we are bad ? How does He feel wThen wre are bad ? 8. What do we say of Him because He loves all, every- where ? Lesson 12. Bible Words, 62. GOD IS ALL— GOOD, A mother is good to her little boy. She feeds him when he is hungry. She makes clothes for him. She gives many things to him. She teaches him. She takes care of him in the day, and the night. She helps him when he is well, and when he is sick. She is always good to him because she loves him. TOPICAL LESSONS. 17 God is better than a good mother or father. He gives food, and clothes, and good things to parents and children. He takes care of all when they sleep, and when they are awake. He is good to all people and all spirits every- where, because He loves all. God is all — good. QIESTIONS. 1. What does a good mother do for her little boy when he is hungry ? 2. What does she make for him ? 3. How does he learn many things? 4. When does she take care of him ? 5. Why is she always good to him ? 6. Which is the better to him, his mother, or his Father in heaven ? 7. From whom do the boy and his mother get all good things ? 8. When does God take care of them ? 9. To whom is God good? 10. What do we say about God because He takes care of all, and gives good things to all ? 18 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 13. Bible Words, 63. GOD NEVER CHANGES. A boy becomes an old man and dies. God never becomes old ; He lives always. An ignorant boy becomes a wise man. God is wise always. A strong man becomes weak, and a weak man becomes strong. God is strong always. A man is sometimes at home, and sometimes away from home. God is everywhere always. A woman sees, but becomes blind. God sees always. A girl loves her father, but changes and hates him. God loves always. A good girl can become bad, and a bad girl can become good. God is holy alwavs. TOPICAL LESSONS. 19 He is not like the boy, or girl, or man, or woman; they all change. He is the same always. God never changes. QIESTIONS. How long does God live? How long is He wise? How long is He strong? How long is He everywhere ? How long can He see everything ? How long does He love all ? How long is He holy? What do we say of God because He is always the same ? Lesson 14. Bible Words, 64. GOD, THE CREATOR. A boy planned to make a ball. He took yarn, and leather, and thread. He wound the yarn, and sewed the leather with the thread. 20 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. God planned the world. He took nothing ; He spoke, and the world was made. He created the world, and all things in it. He created the birds, and animals, and fishes. He created the bodies and spirits of all men. He created the spirits in heaven. He created the sun, the moon, and the stars. He created all things everywhere. God is the Creator. QUKSXIOFiS. 1. What did a boy make ? 2. What did he make it out of? 3. What did he do to make it? 4. Who made the world ? 5. What did He make it out of? 6. What did He do to make it ? 7. What things did He create in the world? 8. What things did He create in the sky ? 9. What did He create in heaven? 10. Who made our bodies and our spirits ? 11. Who made all things ? 12. What do we call God because He made all things? TOPICAL LESSONS. 21 Lesson 15. Bible Words, 65. GOD, THE KEEPER. God keeps my body all day and all night, while I am awake and while I am asleep. I live because He keeps my spirit in my body day after day, and year after year. God keeps all the people in the world. He keeps all the birds in the air. He keeps all the cattle in the fields. He keeps all the fishes in the water. He keeps all the stars in the sky. He keeps all the spirits in heaven . He keeps all things everywhere. God never forgets; He is never careless. God is the Keeper. QUESTIONS. 1. When does God keep your body ? 2. Where is your spirit ? 3. Who keeps your spirit in your body ? 4. Whom does God keep in the world ? 5. What does He keep in the air *? 6. What does He keep in the field ? 22 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 7. What does He keep in the water? 8. What does He keep in the sky ? 9. What does He keep in heaven ? 10. What does He keep everywhere ? 11. Is God careless? Does He ever forget? 12. What do we call God because He keeps all things everywhere ? Lesson 16. Bible Words, 66. GOD, THE RULER. God rules all worlds. He rules all spirits in heaven. He rules all people. He gives us good laws to obey. GOD'S TEN LAWS. 1. We must love and worship the one God. 2. We must not worship idols. 3. We must not speak against God. 4. We must remember the Sabbath Day. 5. We must honor our father and mother. 6. We must not be angry, or hate, or kill. TOPICAL LESSONS. 23 7. We must not think, or say, or do shameful things. 8. We must not steal. 9. We must not lie. 10. We must not want to take another per- son's things. GOD'S GREAT LAW. We must love God and one another. God is the Ruler. QUESTIONS. 1. Who rules all worlds? 2. Whom does He rule in heaven ? 3. Whom does He rule on earth ? 4. What does He give us to obey ? 5. What is His law about love and worship ? 6. What is His law about idols ? 7. What is His law about speaking against Him ? 8. What is His law about the Sabbath Day ? 9. What is His law about our father and mother ? 10. What is His law about being angry? 11. What is His law about shameful things? 12. What is His law about stealing? 13. What is His law about lying ? 14. What is His great law ? 15. What do we call God because He makes laws for us to obey ? 24 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 17. Bible Words, 67. REVIEW: TRUTHS ABOUT GOD. FILL BLANKS. 1. God has not a body. God is a 2. He never began to live. He will never die. God lives .. 3. He is in heaven, the sky, and the world. God is 4. He sees all things. God is 5. He knows all things. God is 6. He can do all things. God is 7. He never sins. God is ... 8 He loves all. God is 9. He cares for us and gives us good things. God is 10. He is always the same. God never.. 11. He made all things. God is the. 12. He takes care of all things. God is the.. 13. He gives us good laws. God is the TOPICAL LESSONS. 25 DUTIES TO GOD. Lesson 18. Bible Words, 68. HONOR AND LOVE. Some men are wise and we honor them. God is wiser than the wisest men, and we should honor God more. A good king makes good laws, and we honor him. God is better than a good king, and we should honor God more. A good man obeys God, and we honor him. God is better than the best man, and we should honor God more. Our parents and friends are good to us, and we honor and love them. God is better than our parents and friends, and we should honor and love God most of all. 2G GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. Which should we honor more, God or a wise man? Why ? 2. Which should we honor more, God or a good king ? Why ? 3. Which should we honor more, God or a good man ? Why? 4. Which should we honor and love more, God or our parents and friends ? Why ? Lesson 19. Bible Words, 69. THANKSGIVING. A boy went to a store and saw a top. He wanted it, and gave money to a woman. She gave the top to him, and he carried it home. The top was his because he gave money for it. A poor girl went to the store, and saw a doll. She wanted it, and a kind man gave it to her. TOPICAL LESSOXS. 2Ti She wanted to give money to him, but she had no money. She thanked him, and carried the doll home. The doll was hers, because the kind man gave it to her. She often thought about him, and felt thankful to him. God is better than the kind man. He gives good things for our bodies and our spirits. We cannot pay Him. We must remember Him, and be very thankful to Him. QUESTIONS. Before a boy bought a top, whose was it? After he bought it, whose was it ? Why was it his ? Did a poor girl give money for a doll ? Why was it hers ? How did she feel towards the man ? For what did she feel thankful? Which is better, God or a kind man? Can we pay God for the things He gives us? WThat must we do ? 28 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 20. Bible Words, 70. OBEDIENCE. We should obey God, because He is our Creator. We should obey Him, because He is wise, and can plan for us. We should obey Him, because His laws are holy, just, and good. We should obey Him, because He loves us, and wants us to be good and happy, like Him- self. We should obey Him, because, if we disobey Him, we sin greatly. We should obey God, because, if we continue to sin, we cannot enter heaven. QUESTIONS. 1. Why should we obey God? 2. Why can He plan for us ? 3. Tell three things about His laws? 4. What does He want us to be ? 5. Is it a little sin to disobey God ? 6. Where cannot we go if we continue to disobey God? TOPICAL LESSONS. -9 Lesson 21. Bible Words, 71. PRAYER. When we are with our parents and friends, we can see them and talk with them. God is with us. We cannot see Him, but we can talk to Him. He sees us, and knows all we think, and hears all we say. When we talk to God, we pray. We must pray to God to forgive our sins. We must pray to God to help us to be good. We must pray to God to give us the things we need. We must pray for our parents and friends. We must pray for our teachers and school mates. We must pray for the poor, sick, ignorant, and wicked. We must pray every day. We must pray at home, and away from home. We must pray in the House of God. God hears and answers prayer. 30 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QXJKSXIOPSS. 1. Whom can we see when we talk with them ? 2. Whom can we not see when we talk with Him? 3. Tell three things about God when we talk to Him? 4. What is prayer ? 5. What must we ask God to do for us? 6. For whom must we pray? 7. When must we pray ? 8. Where must we pray ? 9. What can you say about God and prayer? Lesson 22. Bible Words, 72. WORSHIP. Angels in heaven revere God. They bow before Him, and sing to Him. They call Him holy, and good, and great. Angels and all spirits in heaven worship God. A church is God's house. TOPICAL LESSONS. 31 Many people go into it. They sit still, and think about God. They revere Him, like the angels in heaven. They pray together to Him. They sing hymns to Him, A good man preaches to them about God. He tells them how to be good. The people listen and learn. When they think, and pray, and sing, and listen, they worship God. God is a spirit, We must worship Him with our spirits. QiESTIONS. Where are the angels? What do they do before God ? What do they call Him? What is a church ? What do people do in a church ? About what does a good man preach ? Whom should we worship ? With what should we worship Him ? 32 GKEAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 23. Bible Words, 73. TRUST. I am weak, but God is almighty. I believe He can help me. I am ignorant, but God is all-wise. I believe He can teach me. I am sinful, but God is holy. I believe He can change my spirit, and make me good. I cannot see God, but He is the all-seeing. I believe He can watch and keep me. I trust God to help me, to teach me, to change me, and to keep me. QUESTIONS. 1. Why do you believe that God can help you? 2. Why do you believe that He can teach you? 3. What do you believe He can do to your spirit ? 4. Why do you believe that He can watch and keep you ? 5. What can you trust God to do for you ? TOPICAL LESSONS, 33 Lesson 24. Bible Words, 74. DUTIES TO OTHERS. I must be good and do good, to all with me. I must honor and obey my parents. I must love and trust them. I must thank them for all their kindness to me. I must help them all I can. I must be kind and loving to my brothers and sisters. I must honor and obey my teachers. I must learn all they try to teach me. I must honor old men and women. I must be kind to my schoolmates and play- mates. I must forgive my enemies. I must pity the poor and sick, and help them. I must be true and loving to all. I want all persons to be good to me. I must be good to all. s^ 34 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. To whom must you be good ? 2. What must you do to your parents? 3. What must you be to your brothers and sisters? 4. What must you do to your teachers ? 5. What must you do to old people? 6. What must you be to your schoolmates and play- mates ? 7. What must you do to your enemies? 8. What must you do for the poor and sick ? 9. To whom must you be true and loving ? 10. What do you want all persons to be to you ? 11. What must you be to all? Lesson 25. Bible Words, 75- GOD'S GREAT LAW OF LOVE. God gives us many laws. They are all good. His best law is about Love. It tells us we must love God most, and must love one another. We should love God most because He is holy. He is better than good men or angels. No one is holy like Him. TOPICAL LESSONS. 35 We should love Him most because He is very good to all. No one is so good to us. He made us. He keeps us. He gives us all our good things. He loves us more than any other person loves us. He gave His Son to die for us. We should love Him be- cause He first loved us. God's greatest and best law tells us we must love one another. We must love all people, good and bad. God is good to us : so we must be good to them. God forgives us : so we must forgive them. God helps us : so we must help them. God loves us : so we must love them. If we obey God's law about Love, we will obey all His laws. QUESTIONS. 1. What is God's best law about? 2. Whom does it say we must love most? 3. Why should we love God most ? 4. What does God do for us ? 5. Did we love God first? 6. What kind of people should we love ? 7. Why must we be good to them ? 36 GREAT TRLTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 8. Why must we forgive theru ? 9. Why must we help them ? 10. Why must we love them ? 11. What law helps us to obey all of God's laws ? Lesson 26, Bible Words, 76. SIN. A baby boy does not know about God. He cannot think about God's laws. He does not sin. When he becomes older, he learns about God and His laws. He disobeys God and sins. All persons disobey God. All persons sin. QUESTIONS. 1. Does a baby boy know about God ? 2. Can he think about God'slaws? 3. Does a baby boy sin*? 4. When he learns about God's laws, and disobeys them, what does he do? 5. Do all persons sin ? TOPICAL LESSONS. 37 Lesson 27. Bible Words, 77. THREE KINDS OF SIN. A boy was angry at a girl and struck her. He did wrong to her. A boy was angry at a girl. He did not strike her, but his words were un- kind. He spoke wrong to her. A boy was angry at a girl. He did not strike her, or speak to her, but he hated her. He thought wrong about her. When he did and spoke wrong to her, and thought wrong about her, he sinned against God. We must not do wrong. We must not speak wrong. We must not think wrong. 38 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. How did a boy feel toward a girl ? 2. When did he do wrong to her? 3. When did he speak wrong to her? 4. When did he think wrong about her ? 5. When he wronged her, against whom did he also sin? 6. In what three ways must we not sin ? Lesson 28. Bible Words, 78. REPENTANCE. A boy stole his father's knife and sinned. He hid it in a drawer all night. He went to bed and slept. His father found the knife, and punished him. The boy was sorry, but not because he sinned. He was sorry because his father punished him. He stole again. He did not repent of his sin. A girl stole her mother's knife and sinned. She hid it in a drawer. She went to bed, but she could not sleep. TOPICAL LESSONS. 39 She thought about the knife and her sin. She was sorry because she sinned. She carried the knife to her mother. She confessed her sin. She asked her mother to forgive her. She never stole again. She repented of her sin. When we are sorry for sin, and change from bad tO good, We REPENT. QVESTIONS. 1. When a boy stole a knife, was he sorry because he had sinned? Why was he sorry? 2. What did he do again ? 3. What did he not do ? 4. When a girl stole her mother's knife, why was she sorry ? 5. What three things did she do because she was sorry? G. What did she not do again ? 7. Of what did she repent? 8. When do we repent of sin? 40 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 29. Bible Words, yg. THE HOLY BIBLE. A man planned a book. He wrote many stories and printed them. His book is named a Story Book. God planned a book, but He did not write it. He taught good men about the things He created. He taught them about His home in heaven. He taught them about His laws. He taught them about His Son, Jesus Christ. He taught them about good people and bad. He taught them how to be good and happy. He taught them about their bodies and spirits. He told them to write about all these things. His spirit helped them write. The good men wrote all these things in God's Book. Some men printed it, TOPICAL LESSONS. 41 It is better than a man's Story Book. No book is like God's Book ; it is the best book. God is holy ; His book is holy. God's Book is named the Holy Bible. QUESTIONS. 1 . What book did a man plan and write ? 2. Who planned a book, but did not write it himself? Who did write it ? 3. How did good men know what to write ? 4. What did God tell them about ? 5. What did He tell them to do about all these things? 6. Who helped the men to write ? 7. Whose book is the best book ? 8. What is God's Book called ? Lesson 30. THREE WAYS OF THINKING ABOUT GOD. I cannot see God, but I can think about Him. I think about God, the Father. I think about God, the Sox of the Father. I think about God, the Holy Spirit. God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit- is One God. 42 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. In how many ways do we think about God ? 2. What is the first way ? 3. What is the second way ? 4. What is the third way ? 5. How many Gods is, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? PART SECOND. God the Son on the Earth. / came down from Heaven. I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world : again, I leave the world, and go to the Father. — Jesus Christ. Lesson 31, JESUS THE HOLY CHILD. God the Son was a Spirit in heaven. He came from heaven to earth. On the earth He had a body and a spirit, like all men. He became a little child in Bethlehem. He was holy in heaven, and a holy child on earth. His Father was God. His mother's name was Mary. Her husband's name was Joseph. Mary and Joseph were poor, but very good. An angel from heaven told them to name the Holy Child, Jesus. 46 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. Where was God the Son before He came to the earth ? 2. On the earth, what did He have like all men ? 3. Where did He become a little child? 4. In what two places was He holy ? 5. What was His mother's name ? 6. What was her husband's name? 7. What did they call the Holy Child ? 8. Who told them to call Him Jesus ? Lesson 32. JESUS AND THE SHEPHERDS. Shepherds watched their sheep in a field in the night. A bright angel came from heaven to meet them. They feared him, but he told them not to fear. He wanted them to be glad. He told them about Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem. Many bright angels came from heaven to the shepherds, and sang about Jesus. The shepherds went to the manger and found Him. They were very glad and told many people. GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. 47 QIESTIONS. Where did shepherds watch their sheep ? When ? Who came from heaven to them ? What did he want them to be? About whom did he tell them ? What do many bright angels do ? Where did the shepherds go to find Jesus ? When they found Him, how did they feel? What did they do ? Lesson 33. JESUS AND THE WISE MEN. Some wise men lived far away from Bethlehem. They wanted to see Jesus. They rode many days, and came to Bethlehem. They went into a house, and found Jesus with Mary, His mother. They kneeled before Him, and worshipped Him like the angels in heaven. They gave beautiful things to Him. They worshipped Him because He was the Son of God. 48 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. Why did wise men come to Bethlehem? 2. How long were they in coming from their homes to Bethlehem ? 3. Where did they find Jesus? With whom? 4. What did they do before Him ? 5. Like whom did they worship Him? 6. What did they give to Him ? 7. Why did they worship Him ? Lesson 34. JESUS AND THE CRUEL KING. Herod was a wicked and cruel King. He was afraid Jesus would become a man, and the King instead of himself. He planned to kill Jesus, but could not find Him. Herod was very angry, and killed many little children in Bethlehem. An angel told Joseph to cany Jesus to Egypt. They stayed there many days. God told Joseph to go to Nazareth. The home of Jesus was in Nazareth many years. GOD THE SON ON THE EARTH. 49 1. Who was Herod ? 2. Of what was he afraid ? 3. What did Herod plan to do to Jesus? 4. Did Herod kill Jesus0 5. Whom did he kill ? 6. Why could he not kill Jesus? 7. How long did Joseph stay in Egypt? 8. Where did he then take Jesus? 9. How lon£ did Jesus live in Nazareth? Lesson 35. JESUS IN THE TEMPLE. God's holy and beautiful house was in Jerusalem. It was named the Temple. When Jesus was twelve years old, Joseph and Mary took Him to Jerusalem. He worshipped God the Father in the Temple. Some wise men were in it. Jesus talked with them. He asked many wise questions, and He answered many wise questions. 50 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. People listened to His words. They wondered because the boy Jesus was very wise. QUESTIONS. What was the Temple ? Where was it? How old was Jesus when He went to the Temple. With whom did He go? What did He do in the Temple? With whom did He talk? What kind of questions did He ask? What kind of questions did He answer ? Why did the people wonder at His questions and His answers ? Lesson 36. JESUS TEMPTED. Satan is a wdcked spirit, He is the enemy of God, and angels, and all good people. He tempts us to disobey God, and sin. He tempted Jesus many times. He tempted Him in the wilderness, and in Jerusalem, and on a mountain. GOD THE SOX ON THE EARTH. 51 But Jesus never yielded to Satan ; He resisted temptation always. He obeyed all of God's laws. Jesus was a holy child, a holy youth, and a holy man. QUESTIONS. 1. Who is Satan? 2. Whose enemy is he ? 3. What does he tempt ns to do ? 4. Where did Satan tempt Jesus? 5. What did Jesus do when Satan tempted Him? 6. Whom did Jesus always obey ? 7. When was Jesus holy ? Lesson 37- Bible Words, 81. JESUS, THE GREAT TEACHER. Some teachers are wise : Jesus was the all-wise teacher. Sometimes He taught one person ; sometimes He taught many people. He taught a woman by a well. 52 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. He taught a man in the night. He taught twelve men called His disciples. He taught many people by the sea, and in the Temple. Jesus taught many people on a mountain. He taught them to be humble, merciful, just, and perfect like God. He taught them not to be angry, nor to hate, nor to speak wicked words. He taught them to repent, to love, to give, to forgive, to pray, and to trust God. Some people heard His words, and obeyed them. Jesus said they were like a wise man. Some people heard His words, but did not obey them. Jesus said they were like a foolish man. QUESTIONS. 1. Who was the wisest teacher ? 2. How many people did Jesns teach at a time? 3. Where did He teach a woman ? 4. When did He teach a man ? 5. What twelve men did He teach ? 6. Tell three places where He taught many people ? 7. On a mountain, what did He teach people to be ? GOD THE SON ON THE EARTH. 53 8. What did He teach them not to be ? 9. What did He teach them to do ? 10. When people heard and obeyed Jesus' words, whom did He say they were like ? 11. When people heard Jesus' words, but did not obey them, whom did He say they were like? Lesson 38. Bible Words, 82. THE LOVE OF JESUS. Jesus loves all good people, and all bad people. He loves the good more than He does the bad. Jesus on the earth loved His friends. Three of His friends were Mary and Martha, and their brother Lazarus. He loved to stay with them in their home. Twelve of Jesus' friends were called His disciples. They went where He went, and stayed where He stayed. He loved them, and taught them, and helped them to be good. 54 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. He prayed for them, and with them. One of them was named John ; Jesus loved him very much. Jesus loved His enemies. Many wicked men were enemies of Jesus. They hated Him, and were cruel to Him, and wanted to kill Him. But He did not hate them. He prayed for His enemies as He prayed for His friends. Jesus loved children. He called them to come to Him. He took them up in His arms. He put His hands upon them, and blessed them. He told His disciples they must be kind to them. He said all people must be like good children. Jesus said : " Suffer little children to come unto Me." He calls children to Him now. They can come to Him in prayer. Jesus loves me. GOD THE SOX ON THE EARTH. 55 OlESTIONS. J . What two kinds of people does Jesus love ? 2. Which does He love more, good people or bad people ? 3. What two sisters and their brother did Jesus love ? 4. What were twelve of His friends called ? 5. What did He do for thern ? 6. Which of them did Jesus love most? 7. Did Jesus love His enemies? 8. What did cruel men want to do to Him ? 9. Did He hate them ? 10. What did He do for His enemies? 1 1 . What did Jesus do to children because He loved them ? 12. Whom did He say people must be like ? 13. What kind wTords did Jesus say about little children ? 14. How can children come to Him now ? 15. Does Jesus love vou ? Lesson 39. Bible Words, 83. THE POWER OF JESUS. Jesus did many wonderful things. Xo man can do things like them. Jesus turned water into wine. 56 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. He caused a great multitude of fishes in the Sea of Galilee to be caught by His disciples. He walked on the sea, and did not sink in the water. The wind blew hard on the sea ; He told it to be still, and it obeyed Him. The waves were high ; He told them to be calm, and they obeyed Him. He took five small loaves of bread and two small fishes ; He made the loaves and fishes become more and more, and fed many people. Jesus healed the sick. A man was sick many years. Jesus saw him lying on the ground, and told him to stand up and walk. He stood and walked, be- cause Jesus made him well. A woman was sick, with a fever, in her son's house. He was one of Jesus' disciples. Jesus healed her, took her by the hand, and lifted her up. GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. Oi A man was deaf and dumb. Jesus touched his ears and tongue, and the man heard and spoke. A baby boy was blind. He became a man. Jesus met him, pitied him, and healed him. A man was blind and dumb. Jesus healed him. People wondered because Jesus made the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, and the blind to see. Jesus raised the dead. A widow had an only son. He was a young man. He died. Jesus saw his mother weeping, and pitied her, and told her not to weep. He told the young man to arise. He rose and began to speak, because Jesus made him live again. A man named Jairus had an oxly daughter. She was twelve years old. She was dying. Her father beggeJ Jesus to come to his house and make her well. Before Jesus readied the house she died. 58 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. He went into a room and saw the daughter dead. He took her by the hand, and told her to arise. She rose and walked, because Jesus made her live again. Martha and Mary had a brother. His name was Lazarus. He died, and lay in a tomb four days. His sisters went to it, and wept. Jesus went to the tomb. Jesus wept, He called to Lazarus to arise. He rose and went to his home, because Jesus made him to live again. Jesus did wonderful things. He healed the sick and raised the dead, because He had the Power of God the Son. 1. What kind of things did Jesus do ? 2. What did He do with some water? 3. What did He do about many fishes? 4. What did He tell the wind to do ? 5. What did He tell the waves to do? 6. Did the wind and the waves obey Him ? 7. What did He do with five small loaves of bread, and two small fishes? GOD THE SOX ON THE EARTH. 59 8. What did Jesus tell a sick man lying on the ground to do? What did the man do? 9. What did Jesus do to a sick woman ? 10. What did Jesus do to a deaf and dumb man? What did the man then do ? 11. What did Jesus do to a blind man ? 12. What did He do to a blind and dumb man ? 13. Why did people wonder at Jesus ? 14. Tell about Jesus, and the only son of a widow. 15. Tell about Jesus, and the only daughter of Jairus. 16. Tell about Jesus, and the brother of Martha and Mary. 17. Why could Jesus do wonderful things, and heal the sick, and raise the dead ? 60 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. LAST DAYS OF JESUS ON THE EARTH Lesson 40. THE LAST SUPPER. Jesus was all-wise. He knew when He would die. The day before His death He sat down with His disciples to eat His last supper with them. He took some bread and prayed to His Father. He broke it and gave the pieces to them. He said His body would soon be broken like the bread. He told them to sit together at a table sometimes, after He was dead, and eat bread and remember Him and His death. Then He took a cup of wine and prayed again. He said His blood was somewhat like the wine. It would flow from His broken body. He gave them the wine to drink. He told them to drink wine together sometimes and remember Him. GOD THE SOX ON THE EARTH. 01 He spoke many kind and loving words to them. He promised to send the Holy Spirit to them from heaven, to teach them, and help them, and make them happy. He told them to love one another, and tell all people about Him. He told them that His Father in heaven loved them, because they loved Him. He prayed with them. He prayed for them, and for all His friends in the world. He knew many people would become His friends after He died; He prayed for them. He asked His Father to take the spirits of all His friends to His home in heaven when they die. When the supper was ended, Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn together, and then He led them out of the City of Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives. QUESTIONS. 1. How did Jesus know when He would die? 2. With whom did He eat His last supper on the earth ? 3. When He took some bread, what was the first thing He did ? 4. WThat two things did He then do with it? 5. What did He sav the broken bread wras like? 62 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. C>. What did He tell His disciples to do after He was dead ? 7. When He took a cup of wine, what was the first thing He did ? 8. What did He say the wine was somewhat like ? 9. What did He then do with the wine? 10. What did He tell them to do sometimes ? 11. What kind of words did He speak to them ? 12. Whom did He promise to send from heaven? 13. What would the Holy Spirit do for them ? 14. What did He say about God the Father's love ? 15. For whom did Jesus pray with His disciples? 16. What did He ask the Father to do for His friends? 17. After supper, where did Jesus lead His disciples? Lesson 41. GETHSEMANE. On the Mount of Olives there was a garden named Gethsemane. Jesus often led His dis- ciples there. After the Last Supper they went there again. It was in the night. Then He went a little way from them alone, and kneeled on the ground, and prayed. He thought of GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. B3 His death, and He was in great sorrow. He prayed to His Father once, and again, and again. A kind angel from heaven came to Him. He told His Father He was willing to die. One of the disciples of Jesus was not His true friend. His name was Judas. He led many wicked and cruel men to Jesus in the garden. He pretended to love Jesus, and kissed Him. Then the cruel men bound Jesus, and led Him to the city. His disciples were afraid of them, and ran away. QUESTIONS. 1. Where was the garden of Gethseinane ? 2. Whom did Jesus often lead there ? 3. What did He do there after the Last Supper ? 4. While He prayed, why was He in great sorrow ? 5. How many times did He pray to His Father? 6. Who came to Him from heaven ? 7. What did He tell His Father He was willing to do? 8. Who was Judas ? 9. Was He a true friend of Jesus ? 10. Whom did He lead to the garden ? 11. What did Judas do to Jesus ? 12. Did Judas kiss Jesus because He loved him ? 13. What did the cruel men do to Jesus ? 14. What did Jesus' disciples do ? Why ? C4 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 42. THE UNJUST TRIAL. The Jews accused Jesus of doing many wrong things. They lied about Him. Pilate was a ruler over the Jews. Jesus wTas led before him to be judged. Pilate found nothing wrong in Him. The Jews wranted Jesus to die on a cross, and Pilate wanted to please them. Pilate was unjust and cruel to Him, and whipped Him very hard. Some men put a crown of thorns on Jesus' head. They spit upon Him, and struck Him with their hands. They struck Him on the head with a stick. Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent, but he wrould not let Him go. He told the Jews to take Him and crucify Him, and they led Him away. QUESTIONS. 1. Who accused Jesus of doing many wrong things? 2. Who was Pilate? 3. When Pilate judged Jesus, did he find anything wrong in Him ? GOD THE SON OX THE EARTH. 65 4. What did the Jews want to be done to Jesus? 5. Why did not Pilate let Jesus go ? 6. What did he do to Him ? 7. What cruel things did some men do to Jesus? 8. What did Pilate tell the Jews to do to Him? Lesson 43. THE CRUEL DEATH. Jesus carried His cross. A great company of people followed Him. Some of them were kind women. They loved Him, and wept, because they were sorry for Him. He turned and saw them weeping, and spoke kindly to them. Two thieves were led with Jesus to be cruci- fied on Calvary. Jesus hung upon a cross. Xails were driven into His hands and His feet. One thief was on a cross at His right hand. The other thief was on a cross at His left hand. Jesus prayed for His cruel enemies. He said : " Father, forgive them." One of the thieves prayed to Him. Jesus told him that soon their spirits would be happy together, when their bodies were dead. 66 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. One of His disciples was named John. Jesus loved him more than He loved the other dis- ciples. John stood by His cross with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and two other women named Mary. The sun became dark. Jesus prayed, saying, " Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit ;" and then He said, " It is finished :" and He bowed His head, and gave up His spirit. The earth shook, the rocks opened, the people wondered, and many said that truly Jesus was the Son of God. A soldier thrust his spear into Jesus' side. Blood flowed from it. At the Last Supper, Jesus told His disciples to drink wine, and remember His blood flowing when He was on the cross. QUESTIONS. 1. When Jesus was led away to be crucified, what did He carry ? 2. Who followed Him? 3. While some women followed Him, why did they weep ? 4. When He saw them weeping, what did He do? 5. Who were crucified with Jesus? 6. On the cross, for whom did He pray ? 7. Who prayed to Him when He was on the cross? GOD THE SON OX THE EARTH. 67 8. What did Jesus tell him ? 9. What disciple did Jesus love most ? 10. How many Marys stood by Jesus' cross? 11. Who was one of them? 12. What words did Jesus say to His Father? 3 . When He died, what happened to the earth and to the rocks ? 14. What did a soldier do with a spear ? 15. What flowed from Jesus' side ? 16. At the Last Supper, what did He tell His disciples the wine was somewhat like ? Lesson 44. JESUS IN THE TOMB. A good man named Joseph took the dead body of Jesus from the cross. He wrapped it in fine, clean cloth. He put it in a new tomb cut out of a rock. He rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb. There the dead body of Jesus lay from Friday evening until the Sabbath morning. 68 GREAT TRUTHS SI MPT. Y TOT.D. QIESTIONS. 1. Who took the dead body of Jesus down from the cross ? 2. In what did Joseph wrap the body ? 3. Where did he put it? 4. What did he roll to the door of the tomb? 5. From what day to what day, was the body of Jesus in the tomb ? Lesson 45. JESUS LIVES AGAIN. An angel came from heaven in the night and rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb, and sat upon it. His face was very bright, and his clothes were white like the snow. Very early on Sabbath morning, some women came to the tomb, and saw the stone was rolled away. They saw the angel and were afraid; but he told them not to fear. He said that Jesus was not in the tomb, but was risen again, and they would see Him alive. GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. 69 Two of Jesus' disciples, Peter and John, came to the tomb and went in. They found not the body of Jesus ; but they found His clothes, and the napkin for His head carefully folded. Before Jesus died, He told His disciples that after He was dead, He would live again, but the3r did not understand Him. When Peter and John were in the tomb, and found not His body, they remembered His words. QIESTIONS. 1. How was the stone rolled away from Jesus' tomb? 2. Tell about the face of the angel. Tell about his clothes. 3. When did some women come to the tomb ? 4. What did they find out about the stone at the door of the tomb? 5. Whom did they see ? 6. What did the angel tell them about Jesus? 7. What two of Jesus' disciples came to the tomb ? 8. What did Peter and John not find in the tomb ? 9. Before Jesus died, what did He tell His disciples would happen after His death ? 10. Why was Jesus' body not in the tomb? 70 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 46. MARY AT THE TOMB. Mary Magdalene stood by the tomb weeping. She stooped down and looked into it, and saw two angels. They asked her why she was weep- ing. She told them she wept because she could not find the body of Jesus. Then she turned around and saw Him, but she did not know Him. He asked her why she wept, and she an- swered Him as she answered the angels. Then He spoke her name, "Mary." She knew His voice and was very glad. He told her to go to His disciples, and tell them that He was alive again, and would soon ascend to His Father in heaven. Other women met Jesus, and held Him by His feet, and worshipped Him. Then they went to the disciples, and told them that they had seen Jesus. QUESTIONS. 1. Who stood by Jesus' tomb weeping? 2. When she looked into it, whom did she see? 3. What did the angels ask her? What did she answer? GOD THE SOX ON THE EARTH. 71 4. When she turned around, whom did she see? Did she know Him ? 5. What did He ask her? What did she answer? 6. What did He call her? 7. Did she know His voice? 8. What did Jesus tell Mary to do ? 9. When other women saw Jesus, what did they do? Lesson 47. THE RISEN JESUS AND HIS DISCIPLES. The first Sabbath evening the disciples of Jesus were eating together. The doors of the room were shut, because the disciples were afraid of the Jews. But Jesus came into the room and spoke kindly to them, saying: " Peace be unto you." They were afraid, but He told them not to fear. He showed them His hands, and His feet, and His side. They saw the prints of the nails and the spear, made in His body on the cross. He told them He was the same Jesus. They were very glad, and wondered greatly. ll GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. The next Sabbath He visited them again, and said, " Peace be unto you." Then He went away, and the disciples did not know where to find Him. 1 . On the morning of what day did Jesus rise from the dead? 2. In the evening of the same day, who were eating together? 3. Why did they shut the doors of their room ? 4. Could Jesus come into the room when the doors were shut? 5. When He came in, what did He say to His disciples? 6. What did He show them ? 7. What made the prints in His hands and His feet? What made the print in His side ? 8. Why were they glad ? 9. Why did they wonder greatly ? 10. When did He visit them again ? 11. What did He say then ? 12. Did He stay with them ? GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. 73 Lesson 48. THE RISEN JESUS ON THE SEASHORE. Some of Jesus' disciples were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. One night they stayed in their boats trying to catch fish, but they caught nothing. In the morning they saw some one standing alone on the shore. It was Jesus, but they did not know Him. He told them to cast their nets into the sea again. They obeyed Him, and very many fishes came into their nets. Then they understood that He was Jesus. They wondered, and were very glad to see Him again. One of the fishermen was Peter. Jesus said to him : " Feed my sheep." He wanted Peter to teach men and women about Him, and help them to be His friends and to be like Him. Then He said to Peter: "Feed my lambs." Jesus wanted him to teach and help the children to be good. ?4 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. QUESTIONS. 1. What was the business of some of Jesus' disciples? Where? 2. When were they trying to catch fish ? Did they catch any ? 3. In the morning, whom did they see on the shore? 4. Did they know Him ? 5. What did He tell them to do ? 6. Did they obey Him? What happened? 7. What did they then understand ? 8. What words did Jesus say to Peter about sheep? 9. Whom did He mean by sheep ? 10. What did He mean by feeding His sheep ? 1 1 . What did Jesus say to Peter about lambs ? 12. Whom did He mean by lambs? 13. What did He mean bv feeding His lambs ? Lesson 49. THE RISEN JESUS ASCENDS TO HEAVEN. Jesus led His disciples unto the Mount of Olives. He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While they beheld Him, He was parted from them. He rose in the air higher and GOD THE SOX ON THE EARTH. (0 higher. A bright cloud was around Him. At last they saw Him no more. Two bright angels came to them, and told them that He was a'one into heaven. QIESTIONS. Where did Jesus lead His disciples? While He lifted up His hands, what did He do? While they beheld Him, where did He go ? Why could they see Hiui no more ? Who came to them ? What did the angels tell the disciples? Lesson 50. Biblv Words, S4> JESUS, THE GOOD SHEPHERD. A good shepherd takes care of his sheep. He is kind to them. He remembers that they are not strong, and cannot help themselves as some other animals can. Sometimes a shep- herd knows all his sheep, and gives names to them. He remembers their faces and their names. Sometimes he calls a sheep by its /(> GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. name, and it comes to him. Sometimes he calls all the sheep together. They know his voice. He goes before them. They are not afraid of him, but trust him and follow him. They would not follow another man, because they would be afraid of him. The sheep are hungry, and they do not know where to find food. But the good shepherd knows where it is, and leads them to the fields of green grass. They eat of it, and when tired they lie down upon it. They are thirsty, and do not know where to find water. But the shepherd knows, and leads them to springs and streams^ and they drink. The hot sun shines upon them, and they be- come faint. The shepherd leads them to a cool place. When one of the sheep goes away from the flock and is lost, he looks for it, and finds it, and brings it back. If any sheep is lame, or sick, or weak, he carries it on his shoulder. He is very kind to the little lambs, and carries them very tenderly and carefullv. GOD THE SON ON THE EARTH. / / If dogs or other animals try to catch the sheep, the good shepherd drives them away. He is a good shepherd because he leads them, and feeds them, and takes care of them. He never forgets them : he is never unkind to them. Jesus called all good men and women His sheep, and all good children His lambs. He loves to take care of them. He is always kind to them. He remembers that they sin easily, and He helps them to do right, He knowTs all of them everywhere. He knows their faces and their names. His spirit calls their spirit, and they are glad, and think about Him. When Jesus was on earth He was holy, and showed men how to be good. AVhen they do , like Him, they follow Him. When they have good thoughts, they know that His spirit is teaching them. They are not afraid of Him, but Rve, and trust, and obey Him. They fear Satan and wicked men, and will not yield to them. They wrant to be good and happy. Jesus' spirit changes their spirits, and (they become better and happier. When they are tempted, and it is hard to do 78 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. right, He helps them. When they sin, He is sorry for them, and helps them to be good again. He loves little children : they are His lambs. He knows they are often tempted, and sin easily. He watches over them to keep them from be- coming bad men and women. Jesus in heaven is better to little children than a shepherd is to the little lambs in the field. When Jesus was on the earth, He said, " I am the Good Shepherd." QUESTIONS. 1. What does a good shepherd do ? 2. What does he remember about his sheep ? 3. Does he lead them or drive them ? 4. Do they fear him? Whom do they fear? 5. When they are hungry, where does he lead them ? 6. When they are thirsty, where does he lead them ? 7. When they are tired and warm, where does he lead them? 8. When one is lost, what does he do ? 9. When one is lame and weak, what does he do? 10. How is he kind to the lambs ? 11. If dogs or other animals try to catch the sheep, what does the good shepherd do ? 12. Why is he called a good shepherd ? GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. tV 13. Who are called Jesus' Sheep? Who are called His lambs ? 14. What does He remember about their sinning? 15. Can he know all His sheep and lambs everywhere? 16. Can they hear His voice, as a sheep in the field hears the voice of a shepherd ? 17. How does Jesus call His sheep and lambs? 18. When do men, and women, and children, follow Jesus ? 19. When wTe have good thoughts, who is teaching us ? 20. When we are tempted to sin, and try to do right, what does Jesus do? 21. Why does Jesus watch over children ? 22. Which is better, a good shepherd on the earth or Jesus in heaven ? 23. What did Jesus say about being a shepherd ? Lesson 51. JESUS LIKE A LAMB. 1. A lamb is innocent It cannot do wrong. A little child does not sin. We say a child is as innocent as a lamb. Jesus was innocent. He was a holy child, and a holy man. He was often tempted on the earth, but He never did wrong. 80 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 2. A lamb is harmless. No persons or animals are afraid that it would hurt them. It is not cruel like a tiger. Jesus was harmless. He never gave trouble or pain. No one feared Him. He was always kind, going about doing good, and trying to make people happy. 3. A lamb is gentle. It is quiet and tender. It is not fierce like a lion. It is never angry. Jesus was gentle. People were often unkind to Him. They spoke unkindly to Him and about Him. They lied about Him. They treated Him cruelly, but He never spoke a cross word, nor did an angry thing. He tenderly took a young girl and a woman by the hand, and raised them up. He gently lifted a sick boy, and led a blind man. He softly put His hands on the heads of little children. 4. A lamb is patient. When it is sick or in pain, it lies down quietly all day and all night. Jesus was patient. He suffered very much. He had great trouble of spirit, and pain of GOD THE SOX ON THE EARTH. 81 body. He suffered much on the cross, but He was always silent, 5. A lamb is humble. It does not strut like a pea- cock, or appear proud like some men and women. Jesus was humble. In heaven He was highly exalted. Angels honored Him. He was like a great king, but He came down to earth, and became a poor man. He humbled Himself. 0. A lamb obeys and trusts the shepherd. It follows him wherever he leads it. and takes food from his hand, and rests quietly in his arms. Jesus obeyed and trusted His Father. When He was on the earth, He said, " I have kept my Father's commandments.'" When He was dy- ing on the cross, His last words were. " Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit." QIESTIONS. 1. What do we say of a lamb because it does not sin? How was Jesus like a lamb ? 2. What do we say of a lamb because it does no harm? How was Jesus like a lamb? 3. What do we say of a lamb because it is quiet, and tender, and never angry? How was Jesus like a lamb ? 82 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 4. What do we say of a lamb because it is quiet when sick or in pain ? How was Jesus like a lamb? 5. What do we say of a lamb because it is never proud ? How was Jesus like a lamb ? 6. What do we say of a lamb because it follows the shepherd, and rests quietly in his arms? How was Jesus like a lamb? 7. Tell six things why Jesus was like a lamb? Lesson 52. Bible Words, 86. JESUS CHRIST, THE LAMB OF GOD. Before Jesus came from heaven to earth, the Temple of God was in Jerusalem. In it was a table, called an altar. A priest put things upon it, worshipping God. A man brought a lamb to the priest by the altar, because God told him to do so. The lamb helped him to understand about Jesus. 1. When the man brought the lamb from his home to the Temple, he remembered that Jesus would come from heaven to earth. GOD THE SON OX THE EARTH. 83 2. The lamb must not be lame, or blind, or sick, but well in all its body. The man re- membered that Jesus would have a perfect body and a holy spirit. 3. The man put his hands on the head of the lamb, and confessed his sins to (rod. He remembered that Jesus would come and for- give sins. 4. The lamb by the altar was bound, and could not walk again. The man remembered that Jesus wTould be bound by wicked men, and go about doing good no more. 5. The bound lamb lay still and was dumb. The man remembered that Jesus wrould be patient, and not resist cruel men, but would be willing to suffer. 6. The lamb was killed with a knife, and laid upon the altar. The man remembered that Jesus wTould be nailed to the cross and die upon it. 7. God commanded the lamb to be killed, to 84 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. help the man to understand about the death of Jesus. When he looked at the dead lamb, he remembered that Jesus would die for him. Jesus was innocent, harmless, gentle, patient, humble, obedient, and trustful, like a lamb. He died for all men that they might live for- ever in heaven, if they repent of sin, and love, obey, and serve Him. Jesus Christ is called "The Lamb of God." questions. 1. When was the Temple of God in Jerusalem ? 2. What was a table in the Temple called ? 3. What was the altar for? 4. What did a man bring to the altar? Why ? 5. About whom did the lamb help the man to under- stand ? 6. When the man brought the lamb from his home, what did he remember about Jesus ? 7. When the man saw the lamb was well in all its body, what did he remember about Jesus? 8. When the man put his hands on the head of the lamb, and confessed his sins to God, what did he remember about Jesus ? 9. When he saw the lamb bound by the altar, what did he remember about Jesus ? 10. When the lamb lay still and was dumb, what did he remember about Jesus? GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. 85 11. When the lamb was killed and laid upon the altar, what did he remember about Jesus? 12. Why did God command the lamb to be killed? 13. When the man looked on the dead lamb, what did he remember about Jesus? 14. Tell why Jesus was like a lamb. 15. What must we do, if we would live for ever in heaven ? 16. What is Jesus Christ called because He is like a lamb, and died for us?. Lesson 53. Bible Words, 87. JESUS CHRIST, THE SAVIOUR ON EARTH AND IN HEAVEN. Ail angel told the shepherds in Bethlehem that a Saviour was born. An angel told Mary to call her son Jesus. An angel told Joseph that they should call his name Jesus, because He would save people from their sins. The name Jesus means Saviour. Jesus saves men from their sins by teaching them how to be good, and helping them to be uood. 86 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. If men repent of their sins, Jesus forgives them, and saves them from much sorrow while they live, and His Spirit makes them happy. If men repent of their sins, Jesus saves them from all trouble and sorrow after death. He takes their spirits, to be with Him, and angels, and all good people, in heaven. It is a holy, and beautiful, and happy place. No wicked person can enter there. Jesus was the Saviour on earth. A wicked woman repented of her sins. A proud man named Simon invited Him to eat with him. Jesus went to his house. The woman fol- lowed Him. When she saw Him, she wept, because she remembered her sins. She washed His feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair. She kissed His feet, be- cause He was good and she loved Him. He said to her, " Thy sins are forgiven." He said that the humble and penitent woman was better than the proud man. A man named Levi invited Jesus to eat with him. While they were at the table many sinners went to see Him. They repented, and GOD THE SOX OX THE EARTH. 87 wanted Him to forgive them. Some men at the table wanted Him to send the sinners away, but He would not. He forgave them, because they repented, and loved Him, and trusted Him. He was their Saviour. He wants all men to repent, and to be saved in heaven. Jesus is now in heaven. He is the onlv Saviour. QIESTIONS. What did an angel call the Holy Child in Bethlehem ? What did an angel tell Mary to call her Son ? What did an angel tell Joseph to call him ? Why ? 4. What does the name Jesus mean ? 5. How does Jesus save people from their sins? 6. What must we do about our sins, if we want Jesus to forgive us ? 7. If Jesus forgives our sius, from what does He save us while we live ? From what will He save us after death ? 8. Where will He save us ? 9. What kind of a place is heaven ? 10. Who cannot enter heaven ? 11. Did Jesus forgive sins when He was on earth ? 12. Who followed Jesus into the house of Simon? 13. Why did a woman in Simon's house weep? 14. How did she show her love for Jesus ? 15. What did Jesus sav to her? 38 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 1(>. Who did Jesus say was better, the penitent woman, or proud Simon ? 17. What other man invited Jesus to his house? 18. Wrho went there to see Him ? 19. WThat did they do about their sins ? 20. What did Jesus do for them ? 21. Where is Jesus now ? 22. Who is the only Saviour ? PART THIRD. Bible Words. Containing Simple Classified Texts of Scripture on the Topical Lessons of Part I. What is Truth ? — Pilate. Holy Father . . . Thy Word is Truth. — [esus Christ. Suggestion to Teacher. Teach the pupil to read the following Bible Words. Mark them on the margin of a Bible. Encourage the pupil to turn its leaves, to find the marked passages, and to read them there. Thus association with the sacred volume may be early formed, and the independent reading of its simplest portions become prac- ticable for the youngest reader. Lesson 54. To accompany Topical Lesson 4. GOD A SPIRIT. TO GOD. Thou art God. y Kinss ]8 . 36. Thou art the God, . . . Thou alone. 2 Kings 19 : 15. Thy Spirit is good. Psa]m 143 . 10. ABOUT GOD. There is one God. 1 Tim. 2 : 5. The Lord is the true God. Jer. 10 : 10. God is a Spirit. John 4 : 24. 92 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 55. Topical Lesson 5. GOD LIVES ALWAYS. TO GOD. Thou, 0 Lord, shall endure for- ever. Psalm 102 : 12 Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Psalm 102 . 27. From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. Psalm 90 . 2. ABOUT GOD. Behold, God is great, and we know Him not, neither can the number of His years be searched out. Job 3k:26. The Lord shall endure forever. pSaimy:7. The everlasting God .... fainteth not, neither is weary. isaiah 40:28. BTBLE WORDS. 93 Lesson 56. Topical Lesson 6. i GOD IS EVERYWHERE. TO GOD. Thou . . . dwellestin the heavens. psaim]23: 1. Behold, the . . . heaven of heav- ens cannot contain Thee. i Kmgs s : 27. Thou art near, 0 Lord. Psaimii9:i5i. ABOUT GOD. God is in heaven. Ecoi.s .• 2. The Lord is exalted ; for He dwell- eth 011 high. Isaiah 33: 5 Our God is in the heavens. Psa1m 115 . 3< 94 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD, Lesson 57. Topical I^esson 7. GOD IS ALL-SEEING, TO GOD. Thou, 0 Lord, knowest me; Thou hast seen me. Jeremiah 12 : 3. 0 Lord, Thou hast searched me and known me. pSaimi39: 1. The darkness hidetli not from Thee ; but the night shineth as the day ; the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee. psaim 139 : 12. Thou God seest me. Gen.i6.13. ABOUT GOD. The Lord looketh from heaven. He looketh on the earth. He beholdeth all the sons of men. The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. Psalm 33 : J 3. Psalm 104 . 32. Psalm 33 : 13. Prov.5 : 21. Prov. 15:3. BIBLK WORDS 95 Lesson 58. Topical Lesson S. GOD IS ALL-WISE. TO GOD. 0 God, Thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my down- sitting, and mine uprising; Thou understand est my thought afar oft'. The^e is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, 0 Lord, Thou knowest it altogether. Thy thoughts are very deep. To God only wise, be glory, through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen. ABOUT GOD. The Lord is a God of knowledge. His understanding is infinite. He telleth the number of the stars : He calleth them all by their names. He knoweth our frame. The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man. He knoweth the secrets of the heart. God . . . knoweth all things. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me ; it is hi^h, I cannot attain unto it. Psalm 139: 1,2. Psalm 139 : 4. Psalm 92 : 5. Rom. 16 : 27 1 Sam. 2 • 3. Psalm 117 : 5. Psalm 147 : 4. Psalm 103 : 14. Psalm 94 : 11. Psalm 44 : 21. 1 John 3 : 20. Psalm 139 : 0. 90 ORE AT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 59. Topical T,t*si&on 9. GOD IS ALMIGHTY. TO GOD. 0 Lord, my God, Thou art very great. Psalm 104 :1. I know that Thou canst do every- thing. Job 42 : 2. ABOUT GOD. Great is the Lord. Psalm 48 : 1. I know that the Lord is great, Psalm 135 : 5. God is greater than man. Job 33 : 12. I know that the Lord is greater than all gods. Ex. 18: 11. Behold, God is great, and we know Him not, Job 36 : 26. We cannot find Him out. Job 37 : 23. Great is our Lord, and of great power. Psalm 147 . 5. He is mighty in strength and wisdom. job 30: 5. With God all things are possible. Mark 10.27. BIBLE WORDS. 97 Lesson 60. Topical I^esson 10. GOD IS HOLY. TO GOD. Thou art holy. psaim >>-± : 3. Hallowed be Thy name. Matt. <; : 9. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Al- mighty, which was, and is, and is t() COme. Rev. 4 : 8. ABOUT GOD. The Lord our God is holy. God will not do wickedly. There is none holy as the Lord. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. God sitteth on the throne of His holiness. Holy and reverend is His name. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts. Isaiah 6 . 3. Psalm 99 : 9. Job 34 : 12. 1 Sam. 2 . o. Psalm I4o : 17. Psalm 47 : 8. Psalm 1 1 1 : 9. IKS UREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD Lesson 61. Topical I^esson 11. GOD IS LOVE. God is love. God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We love Him, because He first loved us. 1 John 4 : 8. John 3 : 16, 1 John 4 : 19. Lesson 62. Topical Lesson 12. GOD IS ALL— GOOD. TO GOD. Thou, Lord, art good. Thy Spirit is good. Thou art good, and doest good. Thy mercy is great. 0 how great is Thy goodness. Psalm 86 : 5. Psalm 143 : 10. Psalm 1 19 : 68. Psalm 108 : 4. Psalm 31 : 19. BIBLE WORDS. 99 ABOUT GOD. The Lord is good. Psaim K)0 : 5. There is none good but one, that is, God. Matt. VJ: 17. The Lord is gOOd tO all. Psalm 145: 9. ITe giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens. Psalm 1J7 . 9. The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God. Psaim ]04 : 21. He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good ; and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust, Matt. 5 : 45. The Lord heareth the poor. psaini69:33. Our God is merciful. Psalm 116 . 5i The Lord hath done great things for us ; whereof we are glad. Psaim 126 : 3. Truly God is good. Psalm 73 . lt The goodness of God endureth Continually. Psalm52:l. 100 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 63. Topical Wesson 13. GOD NEVER CHANGES. TO GOD. Thou art the same. Psaim 102 : 27. Thou art the same, and Thy years shall not fail. Heb. 1 . : 12. Thou, Lord, art most high forever- more. Psalm 92 : 8. GOD SAYS : " I am the Lord, I change not." Mai. 3 : g. Lesson 64. Topical Wesson 14. GOD, THE CREATOR. TO GOD. 0 Lord, how manifold are Thv works! in wisdom hast Thou made them all. Psalm 104 : 24. BIBLE WORDS. 101 Thou hast done wonderful things. Isa> 25 : 1. Thou hast created all things. Rev.4:ii. The heavens are the work of Thy hands. p^aim 102 : 25. Thou hast made heaven and earth. 2 Kings 19 : 15. The day is thine ; the night also is thine : Thou hast prepared the light and the sun. psaim 74 : 16. Thou hast made summer and winter. 0 Lord, how great are Thy works. Psalm 74 : 17. Psalm 92 : 5. ABOUT GOD. The worlds were framed by the word of God. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The Lord made the heavens. God said, " Let there be light:" and there was light. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. God saw the light that it was good. Heb.ll :3. Gen. 1 : 1. Psalm 96 : 5. . 1 : 3. Gen. 1 : 5. Gen. I : 4. Gen. 1 : 16. Gen. 1 : 21. 102 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD God made two great lights. He made the stars. Gen. 1 : ie. The Lord b}r wisdom hath founded the earth. Prov.3-.19. The earth is the Lord's. i : 26. The sea is His, and He made it ; and His hands formed the dry land. psaim 95 : 5. God created great whales, and every winged fowl. God made the beasts of the earth, and cattle. The Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air. God created man. God hath made man upright, He . . . hath made us. The Spirit of God hath made me. I am . . . wonderfully made. Come and see the works of God. The works of the Lord are great. Consider the work of God. Gen. 1 : 25. Gen. 2 : 19. Gen. 1 : 27. Eccl.7 : 29. Psalm 100 : 3. Job 83 : 4. r'salm 139 : 14. Psalm 66 : 5. Psalm 111 . •> Ecel. 7 : 13. BIBLE WORDS. 103 Lesson 65. Topical Wesson 25. GOD, THE KEEPER. TO GOD. (J Lord, Thou preserves! man and beast. ^ ^ Psalm »; . 6. Preserve me, 0 God ; for in Thee do I put my trust, Psalm 16 . lm Preserve my soul. Psaim m . 2. Thou art my hiding-place ; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble. Psaim32 : 7. ABOUT GOD. The Lord preserveth the simple. Psalm U6 . <-,. The Lord preserveth the faithful. Psalm 3i . 23. He preserveth the souls of His SaintS. Psalm 97 : 10. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. Num. 6 . 24 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going- out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore. psaim m : 7,8. The Lord is thy Keeper. Psaim 121 : 5. 104 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 66. Topical Wesson 16. GOD, THE RULER. TO GOD. Thou art my King, 0 God. I know, 0 Lord, that Thy judg- ments are right. ABOUT GOD. The Lord reigneth. The Lord is a great God, and a great King. God is the King of all the earth. The Lord is the true God; He is the living God, and an everlasting King. Jer. 10 . 10. The Lord shall reign forever. psaim i-m ■. 10. God is the Judge. Psaim 75 : 7. God is Judge Himself. i>sa]m 50 : g. The Lord is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed. 1 Sam. 2 : 3. Just and right is He. Deut. si -. 4. We know that the law is good. 1 Tim. 1 : 8. Psalm 44 : 1. Psalm 119 : 75. Psalm 93 :U Psalm 95 : :3. Psalm 17 : :7. BIBLE WORDS. 105 The ]a\v is holy, and the com- mandment holy, and just, and good. God shall judge the righteous and the wicked. God shall judge the secrets of men. The Lord is our judge ; the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our King. The Lord of hosts, He is the King Of glory. Psalm 24: 10. Now unto the King eternal, im- mortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory, forever and ever. Amen. iTim.i:i7. Rom. 7 : 12. Eccl. 3:17. Rom. 2 : J6. Jsa. :« : Lesson 67. Topical L,esson 17. TRUTHS ABOUT GOD. God is a Spirit, Jolm 4 . 21 The Lord shall endure forever. pSaim 9 : 7. God says, " The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool." Jsa. m . ^ 100 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOI,D. The eyes of the Lord are in every place. God . . . knoweth all things. With God all things are possible. The Lord our God is holy. God is Love. The Lord is good. God says, " I change not." God created the heaven and the earth. The Lord is thy keeper. The Lord reigneth. Prov. 15 : 3. 1 John 3 : 20. Mark 10 : 27. Psalm 99 : 9. 1 John 4 : 8. Psalm 100 : 5. Mai. 3 : 6. Gen. 1 : 1. Psalm 121 : 5. Psalm 93 : 1 . BIBLE WORDS. 107 DUTIES TO GOD. Lesson 68. Topical Wesson iS. HONOR AND LOVE. TO GOD. Thau art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power. Rev.4:ii. I will love Thee, 0 Lord. psaimis-.i. ABOUT GOD. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matt. 22:37. 0 love the Lord. Psaim 31 : 23. 108 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 69. Topical Wesson jg. THANKSGIVING TO GOD. I will give Thee thanks. Psaim fS5 . is. Thanks be unto God for His un- speakable gift. 2 Cor. 9 : 15. ABOUT GOD. Offer unto God thanksgiving. pSaim50:i4. Offer praise to God . . . giving thanks to His name. Hebi3:i5. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joy- ful noise unto Him with psalms. pSaim <>.->: 2. In everything give thanks. 1 Thess. 5 . ls. Give thanks at the remembrance Of His holiness. Psalm 97: 12. 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. Psalm 107 . L BIBLE WORDS. 109 AVith thanksgiving let your re- quests be made known unto God. Phii.4:6. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. Psaim92: i. Lesson 70. Topical Lesson 20. OBEDIENCE. TO GOD. Teach me to do Thy will ; for Thou art my God. Psalm 143: i0. ABOUT GOD. We ought to obey God rather than meil. Acts5:29. Obey the voice of the Lord your God. Jer.26:13. The Lord our God will we serve, and His voice will we obey. Josh- 24 . 24. Fear God, and keep His command- ments; for this is the whole duty of man. Ecci.i2:is. 110 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 71. Topical T^esson 21. PRAYER. TO GOD. Hear my cry, O God ; attend unto my prayer. Psalm 61 . L My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, 0 Lord ; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up. Psalm 5 : 3. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King and my God ; for unto Thee will I pray. Psalm 5 : 2. Lord, teach us to pray. LUke 11 : 1. ABOUT GOD. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. James 4 : 8. Thou shalt make thy prayer unto Him, and He shall hear thee. job 22: 27. 0 come, let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95 : 0. BIBLE WORDS. Ill Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. Lam..; : 41. Men ought always to pray. Luke 18 . L If any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth His will, him He heareth. The prayer of the upright is His delight. I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Epb.3: 14. It is good for me to draw near to God. Psalm 7-3 : 1*8. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray. . . . and He shall hear my voice. Psalm 55 : 17. John 9 : 31 . Prov. 15 : 8. Lesson 72. Topical Lesson 22. WORSHIP. TO GOD. It is a good thing ... to sing praises to Thy name, 0 Most High. pSaimy2:L 112 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. I will praise Thee. Psaim 35 : is. Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise. Psalm 71: 8. ABOUT GOD. Worship God. Rev. 22 : 9. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. Matt. 4 : 10. The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised. Psalm M . 4. Let the heaven and earth praise -Him. Psalm 69 : .34. Praise our God, . . . both small and great, Rev. 19 . 5, 0 come, let us sing unto the Lord. psaim 95 : 1. Worship the Lord, in the beaut)^ of holiness. 1 chron. ie : 29. 1 will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also : I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding alsb. 1 Cor. 14:15. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men. Luke 2 : 14. BIBLE WORDS. n? To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen. Rom. l6 . 27. Lesson 73. Topical Wesson 23. TRUST. TO GOD. 0 my God, I trust in Thee. What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. Lord, increase our faith. ABOUT GOD. Trust in the Lord. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Trust in Him at all times. Psalm 25 : 2. Psalm 56 : 3. Luke 17 : 5. Psalm 37 : 3. Psalm 118 : 8. Prov. 3 : 5. Psalm 62 : 8. 114 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Isaiah 2<> • 4. Trust ye in the Lord forever. I will say of the Lord, He is . . . my God, in Him will I trust. pSaim9i : 2 I believe God. Acts 27 : 25. Lesson 74. Topical Wesson 24. DUTIES TO OTHERS. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another. Be kindly affectioned one to an- other with brotherly love ; in honor preferring one another. Love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous. Be patient toward all men. Bear ye one another's burdens. Do good unto all men. Love one another. Follow peace with all men. Love your enemies. James 5 : 10. Rom. 12 : 10. 1 Peter 3 : 8. lThess.5 : 14. Gal. 6 : 2. Gal. 6 : 10. John 13 : 34. Heb. 12 : 14. Matt. 5 : 44. BIBLE WORDS. 115 Lesson 75. Topical Wesson 25. GOD'S GREAT LAW OF LOVE. JESUS SAID . . . Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Matt. 22 : 37-39. God is love. Uohn4:8. He loved US. Uohn4:10. We love Him because He first loved US. 1 John 4 : 19. If God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. i John 4 . u, 0 love the Lord. Psaim 31 . 23. Beloved, let us love one another. 1 JOhn 4 : 7. Live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. 2Cor.i3: 11. 116 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Lesson 76. Topical Wesson 26. SIN. Sin is the transgression of the law. i John 3 . 4> All have sinned. There is none righteous, no, not one. All we like sheep have gone astray. Sin no more. Sin not. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him. Woe unto the wicked ! it shall be ill with him. My little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not. Rom. 5 : 12. Rom. 3 : 10. Isa. 53 : 6. John 5 : 14. Psalm 4:4. Isa. 3 : 10. Isa. 3 : 11. 1 John 2 : 1. BIBLE WORDS. - 117 Lesson 77. Topical Lesson 27. THREE KINDS OF SIN, THINKING WRONG. The Lord k no weth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity. The thought of foolishness is sin. The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord. Jesus said, " Wherefore think ye evil?" SPEAKING WRONG. The tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. Putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor. Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. David said, " I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue." Psalm 94 : 11. Prov. 24 : 9. Prov. 15 : 26. Matt. 9 : 4 James 3 : 5, Prov. 12 : 22. Eph. 4 : 25. Psalm 34 : 13. Psalm 39 : 1. 118 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. DOING WRONG. David said, " I have sinned, I have done wickedly." 2 sam. 21 : 17. God says, " Put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes ; cease to do evil ; isaiah 1 : ie. Learn to do well." isaiah 1 . 17. Blessed is the man . . . that . . . keepeth his hand from doing any evil. Isaiah 56: 2. Lesson 78. Topical Wesson 28. REPENTANCE. God commandeth all men every- where to repent. The Lord is . . . not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Jesus began to preach and to say, " Repent." Acts 17 : 30. 2 Peter 3 : 9. Matt. 1 : 17. BIBLE WORDS. 119 Jesus . . . said . . . " I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5 : 31, 32. I will be sorry for my sin. Psaim 38 : is. I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord. Psaim 32 . 5. If we confess our sins, he is faith- ful and just to forgive us our sins. 1 john 1 : 9. Lesson 79. Topical Lesson 2Q. THE HOLY BIBLE. TO GOD. Thou . . . spakest . . . from heaven. xeh.o: 13. Thy word is true. Psaim 119 : ieo. Thy word is very pure. Psaim 119 : 140. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, psaiinii9: 11. I will not forget Thy word. Psaim no : ie. The entrance of Thy words giveth light. Psalm 119 : 130. 120 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. ABOUT GOD'S WORD. The Lord gave the word. psaimesiiu Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1 : 21. The Lord spake by His servants the prophets. 2 Kings 21 : 10. God . . . spake . . . unto the fath- ers by the prophets. Heb. 1 : 1. We know that God spake unto Moses. Jolm 9 . 29. The Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. Ex. 33 : 11. Moses . . . and the prophets did Write. John 1 : 45. The Lord said unto Moses, " Write thou these words." Ex.34 : 27. And he wrote upon the tables . . . the ten commandments. Ex. 34 : 28. And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord. ex.24:4. The Lord said unto Isaiah, " Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen." isa. 8 . lfc BIBLE WORDS. 121 The Lord said unto Jeremiah, " Take thee a roll of a book and write therein." The Lord said unto John, " What thou seest, write in a book." " Write, for these words are true." Paul said to Timothy, " From a child thou hast known the Hoi)' Scriptures." Jer. 36 : 2. Rev. 1 : 11. Rev. 21 : 5. 2 Tim. 3 : 15. Lesson 80. WORDS OF GOD ABOUT HIMSELF. I am God, even thy God. Hear, 0 my people, and I will speak. There is no god with Me. There is none like Me. Before Me, there was no God. I dwell in the high and holy place. Heaven is My throne. I am a great King. Psalm 50 : 7. Psalm 50 :7. Deut. 32 : 39. Isa. 46 : 9. Isa. 43 : 10. Isa. 57 : 15, Acts 7 : 49, Mal.l : 11. 122 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. I fill heaven and earth. I am the Almighty God. I am holy. I am the Lord, I change not. Mai. 3:6. Jer. 23 : 24. Gen. 17 : 1. Lev. 11 : 44. Psalm 50 : 11. Psalm 50 : 10. The world is Mine. psaim 50 : 12. The wild beasts of the field are Mine. Every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the moun- tains. Psalm 50 : 11. I know thee by name. Ex. 33 : 17. I know thy abode, and thy going out, and thy coming in. 2 Kings 19 : 27. I know thy works. Kev. 2 : 13. I know your thoughts. jOD 21 : 27. Thou shalt worship no other god. Ex.34 .14. Every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God. Rom. 14 : 11. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people. Jsa. 56 : 7. BIBLE AVORDS. 123 Pray unto Me, and I will hearken UlltO yOU. Jer.29: 12. Fear thou not; for I am with thee ; ... I am thy God ; I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee. Isa>41 . 10. Obey My voice, and I will be your God. Jer.7.23. I will instruct thee, and teach thee ... I will guide thee with Mine eye. psaim 32 : 8. Lesson 81. Topical Wesson 37. JESUS, THE GREAT TEACHER. WORDS OF JESUS. I am come a light into the world. John 12 . 46. These things I speak in the world. John 17 . 13. As my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. John 8 . 28. 124 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. TO JESUS. We know that Thou art a teacher come from God. j0hn 3 : 2. Thou hast the words of eternal life. John 6 : 68. Lord, teach us to pray. Lukeii:i. ABOUT JESUS. God . . . hath . . . spoken unto us by His Son. Seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain : and when He was set, His disciples came unto him : And He opened His mouth and taught them. Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. He taught daily in the temple. He came . . . into the temple, and all the people came unto Him ; and He sat down and taught them. He went around about the villages teaching. Heb. 1 : 1, 2. Matt. 5: 1. Matt. 5 . 2. John 7 : 14. Luke 19 : 47. John 8 : 2. Mark 6 : 6. BIBLE WORDS. 125 Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their syna- gogues. Matt. 9 : 35. He taught them as one having authority. Matt. 7 . 29. Never man spake like this man. John 7 . 46. His word was with power. All wondered at the gracious words. Many . . . believed because of His own word . John 4 . 4L Lesson 82. Topical Lesson 38. THE LOVE OF JESUS. WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST. Luke 4 : 32. Luke 4 : 22. As the Father hath loved Me, so have I loved you. JOhn 15 : 9. Love one another, as I have loved yOU. John 15: 12. 126 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. ABOUT JESUS CHRIST. The Son of Man came ... to give His life ... for many. Mark 10 . 45. Christ died for the ungodly. Rom.5: e. Christ . . . hath loved us. Eph.o:2. Christ died for our sins. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 1 Cor. 15 : 3. Rom. 5 : 8. Lesson 83. Topical Wesson 39. THE POWER OF JESUS. The disciples were in trouble on a stormy sea. Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. Matt. 14 : 25. In a storm the disciples waked Jesus from sleep. And he arose and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, " Peace, be still." And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4;^ BIBLE WORDS. 127 A multitude had nothing to eat. Then he took . . . five loaves and two fishes, and looking up to heaven he blessed them, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude. And they did eat, and were all filled. A sick man layby a pool in Jerusalem. Jesus saith unto him, " Rise, take up thy bed and walk." And immediately the man was made whole/ and took up" his bed and walked. A man had a withered hand. Then saith He to the man, " Stretch forth thine hand." And he stretched it forth ; and it was restored whole, like as the other. A blind beggar asked Jesus to make him see. And Jesus said unto him, " Re- ceive thy sight." And immedi- ately he received his sight. Luke 9 : 16. Luke 9 : 17. John 5 : 8. John 5 : y. Matt. 12 : 13. Luke 18: 42,43. 128 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. A man ivas deaf, and it was hard for him to speak. And He took him aside from the multitude, and put His fingers into his ears, and He spit and touched his tongue. And looking up to heaven, He sighed, and saith unto him, " Eph- phatha," that is, " Be opened." And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain. A widow's son lay dead on a bier. He came and touched the bier. . . . And he said, " Young man, I say unto thee, Arise." Mark 7 : 33. Mark 7 : 34. Mark 7 : 35. Jairus' daughter lay dead in his house. He came into the house. Luke s : 51. And He . . . took her by the hand, and called, saying, "Maid, Arise." Luke 8:54. And her spirit came again. Luke 8 : 55. Luke 1 14. BIBLE WORDS. 129 And he . . . sat up, and began to speak. Luke 7 : 15. Lazarus lay dead in a tomb. Jesus cometh to the grave. John 11 : as. And . . . He cried with a loud voice, " Lazarus, come forth." John 11 : 43. And he . . . came forth. John 11 : 44. Jesus went about all the cities and villages . . . healing every sickness and every disease among the people. And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God. Matt. 9 : 35. Luke 9 : 43. Lesson 84. Topical Wesson 50. JESUS, THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Thus saith the Lord God. Ezek.34:ii. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock ; . . . so will I seek out My 130 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. sheep; and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scat- tered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezek.34: 12. I will feed them in a good past- ure, and upon the high mountains. . . . There shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains. Ezek.34 : u. I will feed My flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord God. Ezek.34: 15, They shall dwell safely ill the wilderness, and sleep in the woods. Ezek.34: 25. Behold, the Lord God . . . shall feed His flock like a shepherd : He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom. isa. 40 : 10, 11. Ye My flock, the flock of My past- ure, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God. Ezek.34: 31. I will set up one Shepherd over them ; ... He shall feed them, and He shall be their shepherd. Ezek.34: 23. BIBLE WORDS. 131 Then said Jesus ... I am the good shepherd ; the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine. I lay down My life for the sheep. There shall be one fold, and one shepherd. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. John 10 : 7, 11. John 10 : 14. John 10 : 15. John 10 : 16. John 10 : 27. John 10 : 28. Lesson 85. TWENTY-THIRD PSALM. 1. The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want. 2. He maketli me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. 132 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 3. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteous- ness for His name's sake. 4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; for thou art with me. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. 5. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies : Thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life : And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Lesson 86. Topical Wesson 52. JESUS CHRIST, THE LAMB OF GOD. John (the Baptist) seeth Jesus com- ing unto him, and saith, "Behold, the Lamb of God." John i . 29. BIBLE WORDS. 133 Again the next day after, John stood. . . . And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, " Behold, the Lamb of God I" He was led as a sheep to the slaughter: and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened He not His mouth. John (the Apostle) said, " I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne . . Saying with a loud voice, ' Worthy is the Lamb.7 . . . Blessing, and honor, and glory. and power, be unto . . . the Lamb for ever and ever." John 1 : 35. John 1 : 8 : sl To the only wise God our Saviour. be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. judeas. Lesson 88. BIBLE WORDS FOR THE YOUNG. Honor thy father and thy mother. Ex.20 : 12. Children, obey your parents in the Lord ; for this is right. Eph.6 : 1. Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father. My son, keep thy father's com- mandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother. A wise son heareth his father's instruction. A wise son maketh a glad father. 1. A foolish son is a grief to his father. IW. 17 . fc Prov. 4:1. Prov. 6 : 20. Prov. 13 : 1 . 136 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Come, ye children, hearken unto me : I will teach you the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Fear God, and keep His com- mandments : for this is the whole duty of man. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. A child is known by his doings. Jesus called a little child unto Him. Then were there brought unto Him little children, that He should put His hands on them and pray. Jesus said, " Suffer the little chil- dren to come unto me, and forbid them not ; for of such is the kingdom of God." And He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them. Psalm 34 : 11. Prov. 8 : 13. Eccl.12 : 13. Eccl. 12 : 1. Prov. 20 : 11. Matt. 18 Matt, 19 : 13. Mark 10 : 14. Mark 10 : 10. BIBLK WORDS. 137 He shall feed His flock like a shepherd : He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom. Jesus saith to Simon Peter . . . " Feed my lambs." A father of the fatherless . . . is God. Isaiah 10 : 11. John 21 : 15. Psalm 68 : : PART FOURTH. Forms of Worship. WorsJiip the Lord in the beauty of holiness. I Chron. 1 6 : 29. FORMS OF WORSHIP. 141 Prayers of David, 0 God, Thou art my God : early will I seek Thee. My God, unto Thee will I pray. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray. Thou art my God, and I will praise Thee. 1 will give thanks unto Thee for- ever. 0 God, . . . my sins are not hid from Thee. 1 will be sorry for my sin. I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord. Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord; for I am weak. 0 Lord, pardon mine iniquity, for it is great. Forgive all my sins. Cleanse me from my sin. Renew a right spirit within me. Teach me. Teach me to do Thy will. Lead me and guide me. Help me, O Lord, my God. 0 keep my soul. Psalm 63 : 1. Psalm 5 .- 2. Psalm 55 : 17. Psalm US : 28. Psalm 30 : 12. Psalm 69 : 5. Psalm 38 : 18. Psalm 32 : 5. Psalm 6 : 2. Psalm 25 : 11. Psalm 25 : 18. Psalm 51 : 2. Psalm 51 : 10. Psalm 25 : 5. Psalm 143 : 10. Psalm 31 : 3. Psalm 109 : 26. Psalm 25 : 20. 142 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Prayer— Sabbath. 0 Lord, we come before Thee on this Thy day. We would remember the Sabbath to keep it holy, as Thou hast commanded. We would also remember our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ — that He died, and rose again, and ascended to heaven. Through Him we offer our thanksgivings, praises, and prayers. Bless us in these sacred hours. In them may we be kept from sin, and have peace and help from Thee. When we pray, may we feel that Thou art near. Teach us how to pray, helping us to right thoughts and holy desires. When we read and study Thy AVord, may we understand, remember, and obey it. When we are in Thy house, may we worship Thee in the beauty of holiness. When others worship Thee this day, bless them also. Some worship Thee not : have mercy upon them, and change their spirits. Some know Thee not : pity them, and may they learn about Thee. FORMS OF WORSHIP. 143 Bless us in all the days of this week. Taught by Thee, and led by Thee, may we become every day more and more like Jesus Christ our Lord. We ask all for His sake, and in His name. Amen. 144 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Prayer— Monday. 0 Lord, Thou art our Keeper through the day and the night, Thou knowest the dangers to our bodies, and the temptations and trials to our spirits. In our ignorance and our weak- ness we look to Thee. We commit our bodies and our spirits to Thy keeping. Help us to remember that each day is a part of life. All our thoughts, words, and actions , are known to Thee. We must be judged by Thee for them all. We pray Thee to help us to think, and speak, and do aright. In our pleasures we wTould remember Thee, and thank Thee for all the good things we re- ceive. In trouble and sorrow we would trust Thee. In temptation we would look to Thee for help. In weakness we would pray to Thee for strength. We cannot see Thee with our bodily eyes, but we know Thou art near. Help us alwrays to be and do as we would if we saw Thee. Mav we fear to sin, and be faithful in duty, loving and trusting Thee. FORMS OF WORSHIP. 145 Help us to remember Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, how He resisted temptation, was kind and loving to His friends, forgiving His enemies, and always obedient to His Father in heaven. Help us to be like Him. Hear our prayer for Jesus' sake. Amen. 14H GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Prayer— Tuesday. O God, Thou art our Creator, the Maker of our bodies and spirits. They are Thine. Help us to use them for Thee — these feet to go where Thou dost lead ; these hands to work for Thee ; these eyes to study Thy Word, and to behold Thy works of wisdom, and beauty, and love. Help us to be careful of our bodies, that with health and strength we may serve Thee. AVe remember that for this Thou dost spare us from day to day. All our happiness is from Thee. We thank Thee that Thou hast given us so much to enjoy. We know that we have done many things dis- pleasing to Thee. Forgive us, we pray. Help us to understand more and more about Thy wonderful love and goodness, so that we may love Thee more and more. Help us to be kind, and patient, and helpful to others. Give strength to the tempted, and comfort to the poor, sick, and troubled. 0 blessed Saviour, when Thou wast on the earth Thou didst call children to Thee, and bless them. AVe know that Thou lovest such now, and art ready to bless them also. May children and youth remember their Creator, and choose Him for their guide. AVe ask all for .168118' sake : we pray in His name. Amen. FORMS OF WORSHIP. 14/ Prayer— Wednesday. 0 God, we remember that Thou art almighty. Xone is like unto Thee in strength. Thou canst do with us, and to us, and for us, as pleases Thee. We know we should fear to sin against Thee, for Thou art holy and almighty. All sin is displeasing to Thee, and Thou art a just God. We know if we continue in sin Thou canst not forgive us, but we know Thou dost love us greatly, and art ready to forgive. Help us truly to repent, that we may be forgiven. We rejoice that Thou canst do for us, and dost help us always, because Thou dost love us. Help us to love Thee more than we love all other persons and things, and to love one another. We know that all good gifts come from Thee, and we would thank Thee for them. We would remember Jesus Christ — His life on earth, the lessons He taught, His holy ex- ample, His great love, His death, His resur- rection, and His ascension to heaven. There He prays for us. We pray through Him. Hear and answer our prayer for His sake. Amen. 148 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Prayer— Thursday. 0 God, Thou art the giver of all good things. Our life is from Thee. We are wonderfully made, so we can receive and enjoy Thy many and great gifts. We thank Thee for the good things of our homes. Bless our parents, helping them that they may help us. Keep us from grieving them. May we be grateful to them for all their kindness and care. Reward them for all their goodness to us. May they remind us of our Father in heaven. Forgive that we have been His disobedient and ungrateful children. Bless our brothers and sisters. May we be kind, loving, and helpful to them. Bless our teachers. May they be taught of Thee, that they may teach us aright. May we learn all we can, becoming wiser every day, that we may do good to others, and teach them about Thee. Bless our schoolmates and com- panions. May all our friends be friends of Thine. Help us to be faithful in all our duties, wherever we are; patient in all our troubles, FORMS OF WORSHIP. 149 and remembering Thee in all our pleasures. May we be helpful to the weak and ignorant, and loving and good to all about us. Save us from proud and selfish feelings, from vain and foolish thoughts, from unkind and wicked deeds. Help us always to think, feel, and do right. We ask all for Jesus' sake, and in His name. Amen. M#** 150 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Prayer — Friday. 0 God, Thou art in heaven, and on earth. We cannot see Thee, but Thou canst see us by day and by night. Thou seest our bodies and our spirits. We cannot hide from Thee. When we do wrong, Thou beholdest us with sorrow. When we do right, Thou dost look upon us with joy. When we are in trouble, Thou dost see and pity us. Thou art the all-wise God, knowing all our past, present, and future. Thou dost wisely plan for us, that we may escape sin and sorrow, and become holy and happy like Thee. We thank Thee for Jesus Christ. Help us to become like Him — innocent, harmless, gen- tle, patient, humble, obedient, and trustful. Help us to learn all we can about Him, and love Him more and more. 0 Thou, the Good Shepherd, take us into Thy fold. When Thou dost call us, we would listen to Thy voice and follow Thy example. We need many things for our bodies and spirits, and we would seek them from Thee. In our troubles, we would seek our rest in Thee. We FORMS OF WORSHIP. 151 pray Thee to keep us from wandering in sin. or brine us back to Thee if we have strayed from Thee. Tenderly help the sick, and weak, and tempted. May all people become follower- of Thee. Help the young, that they may be lambs of Thy fold. At last may we all be with Thee in heaven. We ask all for Jesus' sake, and in His name. Amen. 5&.£^ ^fe ^4j£ 152 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Prayer— Saturday. 0 God, as we come into Thy holy presence, help us to put away all unholy thoughts and desires. We thank Thee for the light of the day, and the rest of the night. We thank Thee for all Thy mercies to us all our days : they have been many and great. We confess with shame and sorrow that we sinned against Thee while Thou hast been good to us. 0 pardon our sins. Help us truly to repent of them. Defend us this day from sin, from wicked thoughts, from angry looks, from unkind and unjust words, from idleness, or sinful amuse- ments, from all wrong-doing. In work, or play, or study, or whatever we do, help us to be watchful, gentle, pure, and obedient. Let us not be weary in well -doing. Give us victory over sin. Blessed Jesus, Thou didst come from heaven to earth. Thou wast a holy child. Help us to become holy like Thee. In the temple Thou didst worship the Father. Help us so to wor- FORMS OF WORSHIP. 153 ship in the house of God. Thou didst teach about many things. Help us to study Thy Bible Words. Thou didst go about doing good. Wherever we go or stay, help us to be and to do good, like Thee. We thank Thee for our friends, but Thou art our best friend. Help us to know Thee more, that we may love Thee more, and serve Thee better all our days ; and when they are ended, may we live forever with Thee. We ask all through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 154 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. The Lord's Prayer. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the eflorv, forever. Amen. FORMS OF WORSHIP. 155 Daily Thoughts. MORNING. I laid me down and slept ; I awaked : for the Lord sustained me. Psaim 3 . 5. Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun. ecclii : 7. My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, 0 Lord ; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee. and will look up. Psaim 5 . :>, EVENING. TO GOD. Thou makest darkness, and it is lllgnt. Psalm 1C4: 20. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep : for Thou, Lord, only, makest me to dwell in safety. Psaim^ s. FROM GOD TO THE GOOD. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid; yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. ProT> 3 4. 156 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Responsive Service. ADORATION AND PRAISE. Leader. 0 Thou, the Great Spirit, the unseen but living God ; . Worshippers. We adore and praise Thee. L. As the One only God, and True; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As God Most High, from everlasting to everlasting ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As God over all, Everywhere ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As the All-seeing God, beholding all in every place ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As the Almighty God, greater than all in heaven and earth ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As the Holy One, righteous in all Thy ways, and holy in all Thy works W. We adore and praise Thee. FORMS OF WORSHIP. 157 L. As the God of Love, infinite and eternal ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As the Good Spirit, full of grace and mercy ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As the Creator, manifold and wonderful in Thy works ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As the Preserver of all worlds, and Keeper of our bodies and spirits ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As our righteous Ruler, Law-giver, and Judge — the King of Glory ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As God the Father, God the Son of the Father, and God the Spirit of the Father and the Son — one God ; W. We adore and praise Thee. L. As God only Wise, our Saviour, most worthy to receive glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever ; W. We adore and praise Thee. Amen and Amen. 158 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Responsive Service. PETITIONS. Leader. 0 God, Thou art a Spirit: that we may now worship Thee in spirit and in truth • Worshippers. Help us by Thy Spirit. L. Thou art the Everlasting God. That we may serve Thee while, we live, and forever more ; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. L. Thou art on earth and in heaven. That we may joy in Thy nearness here, and at last rejoice in Thy heavenly presence; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. L. 0 Lord, Thine eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. That the thought of Thee may keep us from sin, and encourage us to holiness ; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. L. Thou art God only Wise. That we may grow in knowledge of Thee, and of Thy works and ways; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. FORMS OF WORSHIP. 159 L. Thou art the Lord God Almighty. That we, in our weakness, may receive strength to do Thy will ; W, Help us by Thy Spirit. L. Who is like unto Thee, 0 Lord, glorious in holiness ! That we may glory in Thy holy name, perfecting holiness in Thy fear ; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. L. 0 God, Thy name is Love — pure, bound- less, and eternal. That we may love Thee supremely, fervently, and more and more; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. L. Truly, 0 God, Thy Spirit is good to all, and Thy tender mercies are over all Thy creatures. That we may receive with true thankfulness Thy gracious care and Thy manifold gifts ; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. L. Adorable God, Thou changest not in Thy wisdom, power, holiness, and love. That we may be continually guided by Thy wisdom, sustained by Thy power, and drawn by Thy holiness and love unto Thy heavenly kingdom ; W. Help us by Thy Spirit. Amen. 160 G-REAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. Gloria Patri. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Benediction. Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. PART FIFTH. A Catechism on the Lord's Prayer. Lord, teach us to pray. — A Disciple. After this manner . . . pray ye. — The Lord. The Lord's Prayer. Matt. 6 : 9-13. 1. Our Father which art in heaven 2. Hallowed be Thy name. 3. Thy kingdom come. 4. Thy will be clone in earth. as it is in heaven. 5. Give us this day our daily bread. 6. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 7. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. 164 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. The Lord's Prayer. 1. To whom should we pray ? We should pray to God only. 2. What is Prayer? Prayer is talking to God. 3. Who is Jesus Christ? He is the Son of God. 4. Was Jesus Christ ever on the earth ? Yes ; He was here many years ago. 5. What is Jesus Christ sometimes called? He is sometimes called the Lord Jesus Christ. 6. What did one of the Lord's disciples ask Him to. teach them ? He asked Him to teach them to pray. 7. What is the prayer which He taught them called? Why ? It is called the Lord's Prayer, because Jesus Christ, the Lord, taught it. 8. What is the First Part of the Lord's Prayer? The First Part of the Lord's Prayer is, " Our Father which art in heaven." A CATECHISM ON THE LORDS PRAYER 165 9. Who is our Father in heaven ? God is our Father in heaven. 10. Why is God called our Father in heaven f He is called our Father in heaven because He is like a good father on earth. 1 1 . Who is better, our Father in heaven or a good father on earth ? Our Father in heaven is better than a good father on earth. 12. What can our Father in heaven do for us? He can hear our prayers, and give us good things. 13. What should we do to our Father in heaven? \Ye should love Him, trust Him, obey Him, and worship Him. 14. Why did the Lord Jesus teach us to say "our Father?" He taught us to say " our Father " because we should sometimes pray together, and we should pray for one another. 15. What is the Second Part of the Lord's Prayer? The Second Part of the Lord's Prayer is, " Hallowed be Thy Name." 16(3 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 16. When we say "Hallowed be Thy name," whose name do we mean ? We mean God's name. 17. What does hallowed mean ? Hallowed means holy. 18. When we pray, " Hallowed be Thy name," what do we mean ? We mean that we want everybody to honor God, because He is holy. 19. What is the Third Part of the Lord's Prayer? The Third Part of the Lord's Prayer is, " Thy KINGDOM COME." 20. What is a country ruled by a king called ? It is called a kingdom. 21. Who must obey the king of a country ? All of the people must obey him. 22. What kind of a king is God ? He is the Great King. 2-3. Where is God's kingdom ? It is on earth and in heaven. 24. When we pray, " Thy kingdom come," what do we mean ? We mean that we want everybody every- where to obey God. A CATECHISM OX THE LORDS PRAYER. 107 25. What is the Fourth Part of the Lord's Prayer? The Fourth Part of the Lord's Prayer is, " Thy will be done in earth as it is in 26. What do we mean by God's will? We mean what He wants everybody to do. 27. Where is God's will done by everybody ? God's will is done by everybody in heaven. 28. Where is His will not done by everybody? It is not done by everybody on the earth. 29. If all the people on the earth did God's will, what would the earth be like f It would be like heavex. 30. In what two ways can we do God's will ? We can do God's will by being good, and by doing good. 31. Repeat the First Four parts of the Lord's Prayer. (1) Our Father which art in heaven, t2) Hallowed be Thy name. (3) Thy kingdom come. (4) Thy will be done in earth,- as it is in heaven. 168 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 32. Whom are these four parts about ? They are all about God. 33. Whom are the other parts about? They are about ourselves. 34. What is the Fifth Part of the Lord's Prayer? The Fifth Part of the Lord's Prayer is, "Give us this day our daily bread." 35. In the Lord's Prayer, what does bread mean? It means food, clothes, and other things for our bodies. 36. How does God give us food? He makes things grow for us to eat. 37. How does He give us clothes? He makes the wool and cotton to grow, of which our clothing is made. 38. Who help us to get the things God gives us? Our parents and friends help us. 39. What does daily mean? Daily means every day. 40. When should we pray for food and other things? We should pray for them every day. A CATECHISM ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. 169 41. What is the Sixth Part of the Lord's Prayer ? The Sixth Part of the Lord's Prayer is, " Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our DEBTORS." 42. In the Lord's Prayer what do we mean by debts f By debts we mean sins. 43. Against whom have we all sinned ? We have all sinned against God. 44. How have we sinned against God? We have sinned against Him by not always being good, and not always doing good. 45. In the Lord's Prayer what do we ask God to do about our sins ? We ask Him to forgive us. 46. When we say " We forgive our debtors" whom do we mean ? We mean those who have done wrong to us. 47. If any persons have done wrong to us, what should we do? We should forgive them. 48. What does the Lord Jesus say about forgiveness? He says, " Forgive, and ye shall be For- given." 170 GREAT TRUTHS SIMPLY TOLD. 49. What is the Seventh Part of the Lord's Prayer? The Seventh Part of the Lord's Prayer is, " Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." 50. When do persons lead us into temptation? They do so when they try to make us do wrong. 51. What does evil mean ? Evil means sin and trouble. 52. What do we ask God to do about temptation and evil? We ask Him to keep us from them. 53. Repeat again the parts of the Lord's Prayer about God. 54. Repeat the parts of the Prayer about ourselves. (5) Give us this day our daily bread. (6) And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (7) And lead us not into temptation, but de- liver us from evil. 55. In the Lord's Prayer, after we have prayed for ourselves, what do we say to God about Himself? We say, " For Thine is the kingdom, and THE POWER, AND THE GLORY, FOREVER." A CATECHISM OX THE LORD'S PRAYER. 171 56. When we say to God, " Thine is the kingdom" what do we mean ? We mean that He is the Great King of heaven and earth. 57. "When we say to God, " Thine is the power" what do we mean ? We mean that He can do what He pleases always and everywhere. 58. When we say to God, " Thine is the glory" what do we mean ? We mean that He is so good and great that everybody in heaven and earth should honor and praise Him. 59. How long should God be honored and praised? He should be honored and praised for ever. 60. What word do we say at the end of the Lord's Prayer ? We say, "Amen." 61. What do we mean by Amen ? We mean that we truly want God to hear and to answer our prayer. 62. Repeat the whole of the Lord's Prayer. JBRARY OF CONGRE 0 014 726 090 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A | 0 021 181 130 4 ^fd^Bl I I \I9^